12. The Vicomte Returns

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A moment ago, I had been desperate to find a way to keep my sister-in-law from finding out that her intended was a murderous mastermind who had nearly drowned half her family. Now, I knew there was a way: cute babies. Cute, giggling babies. Or rather, one baby in particular.

"Awww! Aren't you just the sweetest thing?" Adaira's face scrunched up into one of those expressions I'd seen older female relatives make when they were faced with irresistible adorableness. "Let me hold you...!"

And before Karim had a chance to blink, the bundle of blankets was snatched from his arms.

"Waaah, waah!"

"What's that? You aren't happy? Oh! So you did a little poo-poo? I see you're just as naughty as your parents. Let me help you with that..."

If I hadn't already known that Berty was heaven's gift of perfection to an undeserving world, this would have clinched it. The way he wrapped her around his little finger, rescuing me in the process...it was simply amazing. Also adorable, but mostly amazing.

"So..." Leaning over towards Karim, I gave him an innocent smile. "I remember someone saying they would defend little Berty to the death. What happened? Did you encounter a deadly danger?"

Just then, another cloud of nauseating stench rose into the air.

"Yes," Karim answered without hesitation, his face wooden. "A surprise attack by a vicious enemy utilising poison gas."

"Truly? How horrific!"

"You have no idea."

"Oh..." I sniffed. "I think I do."

For a moment, silence filled the room.

"So...who'll take care of Berty's business?"

"Will Adaira Sahiba not do this?"

Cocking my head, I scrutinised my dear sister-in-law, who was currently tickling Berty's nose. "I think she's a bit too distracted for that."


The two of us eyed each other, looking for the slightest sign of weakness.

"He is your child," he pointed out.

"And you swore to do everything to protect him," I shot back. "That includes his bottom."

"I have no experience taking care of children."

"Then it's high time to get some, isn't it?"

"I wouldn't dare! This is the Sahiba's son. He should be taken care of by someone experienced."

"Ah." I nodded. "So you agree I'm the wrong one for the job then."

"Oh no, Sahiba. Motherly love can compensate for a lack of experience any day."

My eyes narrowed. "Karim...go over there and change his diapers!"

The bodyguard seemed to struggle with himself for a moment—then straightened, as if about to face a firing squad. "I must respectfully refuse, Sahiba."

"Do it!"

"I decline. I suggest you show your motherly love by taking care of the matter yourself, Sahiba."

I narrowed my eyes further, and was just about to open my mouth to retort, when...

"Lillian! Lillian, dear? Are you in there?"

Lady Samantha's sweet voice drifted through the door. Lady Samantha, as in, Mr Ambrose's mother—who used to take care of him when he was a child.

Karim and I exchanged a look.

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