31. A Whole New Ballgame

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Damn and blast! Damn it all to hell, straight to Lucifer's personal funhouse!

Somehow gaining control over my facial muscles, I quickly plastered a smile onto my face instead of the homicidal expression that wanted to form there in response to Adaira's smirk, With a deep breath, I turned towards the newcomers—which just so happened to bring me face-to-face with Lady Samantha Genevieve Ambrose and, joy oh joy, my little sister Ella. Behind her, Eve, Flora, Patsy and Amy were gathered 'round, watching the whole scene with unholy glee.

Judging by their expressions, it wasn't hard to guess who had steered my little sister over here.

Just you wait! I'll get you all for this!

"Why, hello, Your Ladyship." I inclined my head. "What may I do for you and your companion this fine eve—mmph!"

"Victor!" A pair of slender arms clamped around me like a vice. I tried to say something, anything, but her grip tightened with a power those flimsy little sticks really shouldn't contain, stealing my breath. "Finally, I get to meet you!"

"M-miss?" I squeezed out through my constricted throat, doing my best to sound as if I didn't know her while simultaneously trying not to be choked.

"Oh, right, you don't know who I am yet. I am so sorry! God, look at me! What would Lilly think of me?"

"Oh, I have a good idea what she might think," Adaira piped up from behind me.

I would definitely get her for this. And my vengeance would be one for the ages.

"Don't you worry, Ella," the little vixen continued. "I'm sure that Lilly would understand. Go ahead and enjoy your reunion."

Why, thank you very much, Adaira. I hope you'll enjoy the reunion of my fist with your face as well.

But before I could utter that spiffing comeback, Ella dragged her over and included her in the hug-vice. Once more, I lost my ability to breathe and articulate. "Ah, that's such a sweet thing to say! Thank you, Adaira! Thank you so much!"

"Yes...thank you so much," I wheezed. "You're being so very helpful."

"I am, aren't I?"

"Something for which I'll be sure to thank you later."

I probably shouldn't have told her that. Because, apparently, Adaira took my words to heart and made herself scarce at the earliest opportunity. I had no idea how she managed to slip out of Ella's grasp—but she did. With a last wink and a wave, she vanished into the crowd. Which left me and Ella for our loving reunion. Oh joy.

Maybe, just maybe, I should have told my little sister the truth after all.

"Victor, I..." Releasing me from her tight grip, Ella stepped back to gaze up at me with teary eyes. "I am sorry for ambushing you like this. I realise you don't know who I am—"

Oh, believe me, I think I have a rough idea.

"—and it is rude for me to ambush you like this, but I simply had to talk to you." Taking a deep breath, she looked straight into my eyes. "I am your sister."

I opened my mouth—then closed it again.

"Oh my! 'e's speechless!" Amy exclaimed.

"Overwhelmed," Patsy added.

"Struck dumb, in every sense of the word," Eve concluded.

Flora nodded wisely. "It really must be an emotional moment for him, Ella, meeting you for the first time."

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