Ch.30 ~ Finley

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~the fanart slays tho, you can't tell me it doesn't...~

~also, this chapter is a little shot on words but not to drastic, so just be aware of that~

~yayyy, you get to not have a cliff hanger!~

"Believe it or not you are like the only person in this world besides Lisa that I love more then my hoodies."

"Aww that's so sweet of you!"

"Ehh, it's only the truth!"

Once I had the wound wrapped I stood back up and quickly put my hand behind sals neck, ripping the chip (technology not food) from its resting place.

'End of recap'

"Sal's" limp body fell to the floor, evaporating out of thin air. When these clones "died" all trace of them would evaporate, including the blood on my hoodie, that's why I didn't think twice about staining it.

"Sick basterd. I knew he was ruthless but heartless, that's a new one."
I said under my breath.

I continued through the house of horrors as I would put it, and stumbled upon two chairs, both with an Ashley in them.

"Haha, so funny, Finley, I know what your doing, you haven't changed a bit, now make your big entrance and let's get this over with, I'm on a time crunch." I said, clutching the pocket knife firmly in my grasp.

"Awww, classic y/n, coming to save the day, because they think they can still stand a chance against me, after all of those years, separated."

"C'mon Finley, get on with your plan, I don't care for this big entrance, and you know I never did."

"Oh, the good old days, when we would both dream of taking the world over together and then watching Society crumble under our power. Oh How I missed you, sis/bro/my sibling."

I faked gagged;
"You don't miss me you miss what I could do."

"Oh, I guess you got me there, Oopsie daisy's"

"What do you want from me, just tell me so I can get my friend back."

"I want you to tell everyone about me, make the world fear me!"

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

"Easy, you die, then your little friend here can be set free and they can go tell everyone you heroically died to save their life! After all, that is how you wanted to go out, am I mistaken?"

"You sure have gotten better at this haven't you, the whole using others words against them, I guess after all those years I did end up teaching you something."

"I guess so."

I took Finleys remembrance as my time to strike.

'Ashley's pov'

Y/n had been looking really concentrated every time this Finley dude spoke but I finally found out why when they shot a f/c mist at the dude behind me, making not only him but also me pass out.

'Y/n's pov'

After I had tossed the sleeping gas at Finley I walked over to the real Ashley's unconscious body and untied her before carrying her back to Addison's apartments. Once I had gotten there I made my way to my room and set her on my bed before going into the kitchen and making some tea, bringing it into my room and waking up Ashley.

"Hey, ash, wake up."


"Ashley, you need to wake up and drink this tea before you get a hang over" it was a complete lie but I knew she hated hang overs so I used it to my advantage.

It worked, she slowly sat up and started to chug the tea. The tea was actually to reverse the sleeping gasses so I guess it was not to bad of a lie.

"Ok, Ashley, I'm going to be right back, alright?"


I was now walking toward Larry's room, my knuckles were know white, and that was the only thing keeping me from popping off here and now. I knocked on the door and Larry answered it.

"Uhhh, ehehe, h-hey, W-what's up?!"

I could tell he knew exactly what was up so all I said was.

"I'm letting you off easy this time but next time you make or let Ashley walk home alone I will keep my promise about you staying in the hospital until December"

"I-uhhh, thx?"

"No problem, now come get your girlfriend from my room and keep her under control, she's gonna be acting like she's high on crack for a bit so keep an eye on her!" I said while running to the elevator so I did not have to deal with him asking questions.

I got into the elevator and thought to myself;

'I swear that dude is horrible at chilvalry'

'One day he is going to be the death of his self and girlfriend'

'I really hope that Finley doesn't know where I live....'

I clicked the floor that Sals room was on and waited for the elevator to get there. Once I finally got there I walked out of the elevator and knocked on sals apartment door.

He opened the door and immediately pulled me inside.

"Haha, hey, sorry we didn't get to spend much time together today."

"Your spending the night."


"Weather you like it or not, your spending the night here, it'll make up for the lost time today"

"I mean, I'm not complaining!"

Sal pulled me into a hug and we stayed like that for a bit until we both got tired so we started walking to his room.

Once we got there he immediately tackled me onto the bed and snuggled me until we both fell into a deep sleep, arms wrapped around each other.

~hehe, yayy, end the chapter off with some fluffy fluffy fluff~

(981 words)

~have a good rest of your night or day, thanks for reading this chapter, and see you later~

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