13 (Reuniun)

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Leo received a wedding invitation. It was located in different city, an hour away by plane. He didn't really want to go but he thought he should go, networking purposes. He used to work with the groom few years ago, and he had a good job with the finance system, so it might open a good chance for Leo to stay in touch with him.

And he knew who exactly to contact in that city.


He knew her for sometimes now. They used to work together in a same project. Zara had the nicest smile he had ever seen. And Zara's smiles helped him go trough all the boring meetings they had to go to.

They became close friends which led into friends with benefit. But they were never dating. Both Zara and Leo were clear that there would be no chance of them dating. It was merely s.e.x. And s.e.x was good.

Zara had an amazing body and she knew how tease Leo s.e.x.u.a.lly. They had countless s.e.x.u.a.l encounter in her place and his place.

They sometimes pretended to be couple, holding hands in public, and making that silly gestures couples did. Just for fun.

The last time Leo saw Zara was two years ago. She moved to other city for personal reason. They still contacted one another by text. Until now.

Leo sent a text to her: 'I am coming to your city next week. fancy meeting up?'

'of course. wait, who's this? *smiley face*'

'haha. funny. i'll let you know where I'd be staying'

'ok. See you next well.

She gave an amazing blowjob. ever. She would start with massaging the c.o.c.k before l.i.c.k.i.n.g it slowly. Enough for him to give her prec.u.m, and she loved l.i.c.k.i.n.g that clear ooze clean. She said pre c.u.m turned her on big time.

She would just let him sit back watching her head moving up and down playing with his c.o.c.k, on four, so he could see her b.a.r.e back and part of her bums sticking up.

She said he could m.o.a.n if he wanted to, which he found it strange. He didn't think men were m.o.a.ning during s.e.x. But then she s.u.c.k.e.d his c.o.c.k tight that he let out a m.o.a.n. Not a loud m.o.a.n, but enough to say it was a m.o.a.n.

'Ohhh, Zara. Your mouth is amazing. How do you do that....' Leo pushed his h.i.p.s up closer to her face so that it could go deeper in her throat.

She grabbed his butts and pushed them toward her direction. She wanted to have it her way and Leo found himself in complete surrender. He enjoyed her nails dug into his skin while her mouth was f.u.c.k.i.n.g his c.o.c.k. Sometimes she gave a lick to his balls too, and while she did that she would stroke his wet c.o.c.k. And Leo found himself m.o.a.n even louder.

'Do you want to c.u.m in my mouth, horny boy?' asked Zara teasingly. Leo nodded while gasping for air.

'I didn't hear anything. say, yes please Zara. Take me in your mouth.'

Leo obeyed happily. 'Yes, babe. Take it in your mouth. F.u.c.k me with your mouth. I want to c.u.m in it. pleaseeee.'

Zara smiled. But she didn't take his c.o.c.k. She crawled on top of Leo. Gave him a hot wet kiss which he took greedily. Those lips were amazing. And he loved her naughty warm tongue trying to explore any corner of his mouth. While kissing him, she positioned her p.u.s.s.y on top of his hard c.o.c.k and she slid in the c.o.c.k inside it.

She slowed down her movement before she stopped completely but she kept his hard c.o.c.k inside her p.u.s.s.y.

'So, do you want to c.u.m in my mouth or in my p.u.s.s.y?'

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