Part 5

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The next day

Aisha's POV

Fortunately, it's Saturday so I had a lot of time to myself. I was writing my next book called New Word and hoping it would sell well like the previous ones. 

Thanks to the fact that I've been churning out short stories on the Internet for several years now, I'm well known. I have two very well selling books on My Possessive Millionaire and His Angel. I didn't expect when it was first released for sale but I was happy that people liked it.

This is my third book and, as always, I uploaded something similar to the Internet. I got a lot of likes and comments about how they couldn't wait for the book to come out. I always do that to see if someone will be willing to read such a book. 

I have an idea for the next one but I prefer to finish New Word first before I tackle the next one. It only takes me 8 chapters to finish the secret book.

I knew it would take me a few more weeks because each chapter is at least 14 pages. While I'm working, I mostly sit locked in my room until the afternoon and go eat taking a half hour break from writing. 

Sometimes when I get a block I go for a run or start doing something else before the urge comes back to me.

When I looked at my watch it was 1:30 p.m. and I started work at 8:00 a.m. so I decided to make myself something to eat. Before I left the room I checked if I was alone and to my surprise I was. I know Papa is working today until 4:00 p.m. but I thought Isabella would be home.

I looked out the window and saw that her car wasn't there so I suspected that she had gone for a drive. I had a very bad feeling about her first day at school. I knew I had to warn Rose about Isabella and ask her to keep an eye on Isabella. 

Rose, Jaz and Em know what I am I told them after knowing her for a few months and they were sworn to secrecy. They told me they were unhappy in their coven and told me about their years with them. 

They told me how Alice and Edward practically run the coven and how Edward and Alice control and manipulate their decisions.

I made similar bracelets for them as I did for Dad and made it so that only they could pull them off. 

Of course this caused questions from the rest for why Edward can't read their thoughts and Alice can't see their future. There seemed to be a big argument there but Rose, Jaz and Em didn't say why.

The bracelet allowed them to have human characteristics : they can eat, drink, sleep, blush and can hide their golden eyes

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The bracelet allowed them to have human characteristics : they can eat, drink, sleep, blush and can hide their golden eyes. They were overjoyed when I gave them and told them what the bracelets do. 

I promised to find a spell so they could have at least one child because I know Rose's dream is to be a mother. I told them that if I didn't find a spell or potion I would help them with adoption. However, it wouldn't be a human baby, but a more than natural one that had lost its parents.

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