Chapter One - The Farm and the Tornado

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~I promise guys, this is the first and last one. Please like, comment, and share! This is my first story, but I do take constructive criticism. Also NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. I own none of this, only Baby. And a couple of the scenes, that's it, but other than that, IT'S NOT MINE, I just thought it would be cool to add an OC into it. But, that's it!~

WHEN I WOKE up this morning, I did not expect things to change, though I'd been hoping for it since I was a little girl. I'm hanging out with the farmhands at dawn, just like I always am, just keeping them company.

Chump had been kneeling down, hammering away at the old, rickety fence for about an hour now, which I know must've been rough on his leg. Finally, as Ray-Ray returns from getting some more tools for Pops, Chump gives up and sucks his teeth.

"Man–" he groans as he gets up, "how many times we gon' fix this old gate, man? Makes more sense to just tear it down and start over!"

"Yeah? How 'bout you go on and ask my mama that question?" I ask him, smirking.

He shakes his gray beanie-clad head at me, looking down. "C'mon now, Baby, you know I wanna live!"

I laugh as Ray-Ray speaks up: "Naw, I wouldn't know it from the way you talk around Ms. Gale's daughter!"

I glare at him, offended, but he just winks at me. "I would never–"

"I know, Baby, I'm just messin' with you."

I scoff and turn towards Pops. "Hey, so what's up with you? All good?"

"Oh, Baby, you would not believe the day I've had today. I had the most horrible dream–" he starts, but is interrupted by my cousins' dog, Toto running up and barking at him. Pops runs away, screaming, and Toto gives chase.

"Get 'im, Toto, get 'im!" Chump shouts.

"Watch yourself, Pops!" I warn him, and he climbs up on top of the trailer that he was fixing.

"Hey! Get down from there, 'fore you hurt yourself!" Ray-Ray shouts, and he kneels and gives Toto a treat. See, him, Chump, and I had been planning this prank for weeks. Pops, much as I love him, is afraid of everything.

"It looks like he mighta' wet himself too," Chump says, chuckling.

"That is a vicious canine!" Pops yelps, pointing defensively at little Toto, who is gobbling up his treat.

"Man, this is a mop with feet," Ray-Ray says, rubbing Toto behind his ears.

"And-and that's a big ol' scaredy-cat." Chump points at Pops.

"Well, you go 'head on and laugh, he can't bite through that brace on your leg." Pops is still visibly shaking, so I decide to calm him down.

"Relax, Pops, it was a prank. We've been planning it for a while now."

The older man gasps, looking at me in shock. "Baby . . . I thought we were friends!"

"We are, and that's why I would never let that dog bite you." I reply, trying to hold in a laugh.

"Toto? Toto!" We hear my cousin screaming for her dog, and I groan internally, rolling my eyes.

Pops immediately jumps down from the trailer, trying to act like nothing had happened.

My cousins' gaze zeroes in on the little terrier, and she stomps over to him, her curls bouncing. She's carrying a large suitcase that looks pretty heavy. "Toto, come back here."

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