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12| Evelyn

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Cloud nine was real. I was there and nobody could ever, ever, make me think otherwise. Everything just felt so nice!

It was as if I was wrapped in clouds, my body lightweight and just floating around in absolute bliss. Nothing existed other than me and the warm, softness around me. Snuggling in more with a content sigh, I tried to go back to the peaceful stupor, dreaming about floating candies and flying penguins.

Until two arms tightened around me and pulled me against a hard body. Fuck.

My eyes flew open, adrenaline rushing through my veins as I took in my surroundings. No floating candies or flying penguins. Instead, I was met with the most spectacular view of the cityscape. The more I stared at the lights and the never ending sea of skyscrapers and buildings, the more I started to realize my current predicament.

Slowly, all the events of the night came back to me and dread settled in my stomach. What did I do?

Out of all the people I could have found to sleep with, I had to go and jump Atlas's bones. And the worst part was that I enjoyed every second of it. What would others say if they found out about this? I would seem like a hypocrite. I would never live this down. Atlas would make sure of it. I knew it!

Suddenly, I felt him nuzzle my neck and I froze, not even breathing. He trailed his nose on the slope of my neck, pressing a kiss to my shoulder and sighing before going back to sleep. I lay very still in his arms, waiting until I heard his heavy breathing. With my heart in my throat, I dared to peek behind me to see a very shirtless Atlas sleeping with his mouth open.

His dark hair was mussed and falling on his forehead. A smile tugged at my lips on seeing him sleeping so adorably but I quickly wiped it off. I didn't have time to admire him. I needed to make my escape and probably go into hiding for the foreseeable future.

I slowly lifted the duvet to peek inside and assess the situation. Butt naked. Not only that, Atlas had his arm tightly wound around my waist while one of his legs was thrown over mine. He was completely naked too but I tried to push that little information to the dark crevices of the mind.

While staring out through the floor-to-wall window, I formulated a plan of action. Get out of Atlas's hold, find my clothes, wear them, and then dash out all the while hoping that he doesn't wake up. I could do it. It wasn't like I hadn't disappeared from someone's bedroom before.

Except I didn't have to meet that someone ever again in my life. Unlike this time.

Putting my plan into action, I craned my neck to see if any of my belongings were lying on my side of the bed. Sadly, the only thing I saw was Atlas's shirt. I could still wear it while searching for my clothes. All I needed to do now was to get out from under this giant.

Lying back down properly, I grabbed his arm, trying to move it as slowly as possible. My eyes kept flitting to his face to check if he was awake while I slithered out of his hold. Thankfully, he seemed to be a heavy sleeper and didn't even notice when I accidentally rammed my elbow into his chest. He just scratched the spot and went back to cuddling the duvet, holding it close to him.

I quickly picked up his shirt and put it on. It smelled like him. The same minty, woodsy smell I had been enveloped in for the whole night. The thought of crawling back beside him crossed my mind but I immediately dismissed it. I really needed to get out of here before I embarrassed myself. Any more than I'd already had.

I found my heels first, one of them almost shoved under the bed. Next was my skirt that was lying at the foot of the bed. And then my top which was somehow hanging from the handle of the cupboard. Snatching it, I did a full round of the bed but my underwear was nowhere to be found.

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