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26| Evelyn

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It felt like I was wrapped in a heavy blanket that was too warm to endure but at the same time too comforting to get out of. But for some reason, I felt uncharacteristically cold. I snuggled closer to the source of the warmth, letting out a content sigh when I found the most comfortable position only to be jerked awake by a shrill sound.

My fight-or-flight instinct kicked in and I started flailing my hands and legs to get out of whatever was holding me down. My elbow hit something hard and something hissed in pain.

"Jesus, Evelyn. Calm down," Atlas' raspy voice came from behind me. Oh. Oh.

Memories of last night came flooding in, making me settle down. Fuck I slept like dead. So much that I forgot where I was and with whom.

I turned to face Atlas who looked adorably grumpy with his hair tousled and cheeks puffed from sleep. "Were you trying to run?" he asked.

"No." That was exactly what I was trying to do. Although unconsciously.

Atlas narrowed his eyes at me. Sighing exasperatedly, I shrugged. "I was just startled because of the noise. That's all."

He studied my face for a bit and I gave him what I hoped looked like a sheepish smile. He flopped back on the pillows, pulling me along with him. "I forgot to turn off the alarm. Go back to sleep. It's just 6."

I wanted to. After the day I'd had yesterday with the game, Davidson, and everything else that followed, I was exhausted. I wanted nothing more than to curl up beside him and sleep till noon.

But I couldn't do that. My mind wasn't running on rampant hormones anymore. With my emotions tamed and my logical brain taking the wheel again, I knew I had stayed way more than I should have. If staying was right the choice in the first place.

I needed to leave. Now.

"I should go," I said. Atlas met my gaze and the concerned look on his face urged me to explain myself further. "I'd told Veena I would be back late and not to wait for me. I should go back when she's still sleeping so she wouldn't suspect us."

He pursed his lips and his fingers flexed on my side as if debating whether to listen to reason or keep me here. But then he sighed and released his hold. "Yeah. You wouldn't want anyone to know about us," he said with a small smile.

His words pinched my heart. He was smiling and his tone was casual but something felt off. I decided to think about it later when I was alone and in the comforts of my room, and not in a hurry to save my lying ass.

I started looking for my clothes which weren't as hard to find as the last time I was making an abrupt exit. Atlas sat up on the bed, his back against the headboard and the sheets rumpled around his waist. His eyes followed my movements, making me more flustered.

Once dressed fully, I ran my fingers through my hair to tame it as best as I could and walked back to the bed. "I'll see you later," I said and leaned down to kiss Atlas on the cheek.

As I started to back off, he grabbed my hand and pulled me close again, kissing me right on the lips. He cupped my jaw, deepening the kiss and I melted under his touch. Did he have to be such a good kisser?

We parted with a gasp and he ran his thumb over my lower lip which felt swollen again. "See you later," he said, smiling. This time it was a genuine smile that eased my previous worry.

Nodding, I snuck out of his room after waving him goodbye. The hallway outside was empty with everyone fast asleep in their rooms. Maybe I could go back to sleep too and then when Veena woke up, I could pretend to have returned after midnight. That would work.

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