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Ch. 25: A Real Fucking Problem

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When Nicco shifts to the other side of the bed, I instantly find myself missing the solid feel of his body over mine. His weight. His warmth. His everything. The sex was mind-blowing as always. But something feels a bit off now. We lay, side by side, in silence.

Physically, Nicco is close. Very close. I could reach over and touch him. His mind, however, seems far away, and this severed connection leaves me somewhat bereft. In this strained lull of our afterglow, I can't help but wonder what might be running through his head.

A grimace flattens my mouth. Nicco seems unhappy with me.

Is it because I refused, again, to tell him anything about Hawkins?

I don't know why he's so obsessed with my past. I wish he'd drop it. Already, I've given more of myself to him than any other guy. I'm trying. I really am. I've never wanted anyone as much as I want Nicco. But I don't know if I'll ever be able to open up completely. Not without breaking something irreparable within. I'm barely hanging on as it is.

It's not solely about me, either. I need to keep him as far away from Jaime as possible. No matter what happens to us after my stint as his PA comes to an end, I refuse to let anyone hurt Nicco. Myself included.

Right then, I feel his muscles tighten beside me. Concerned, I glance over. A second later, he shoots upright on the mattress, glaring at something in the corner of the room. My eyes follow his gaze. A red light flickers back at me.

What the heck?

Goosebumps prickle my skin as alarm punches through the quiet of the night.

"Shit. The camera might have been on," Nicco mutters under his breath, voicing my fears out loud.

Oh, bloody hell.

Did I just, accidentally, make a sex tape with my boss?

Right then, another very valid concern adds to my panic: Did his security team just get an eyeful of our smutty fun times?

Mortification runs deep when I demand, "Were we recorded on video?"

"If that is the case," Nicco assures me, "I will wipe every second of the footage. You do not have to worry."

Paranoia lingers in me. "Are you sure you can make everything disappear?"

"As long as the issue is strictly internal, then, sì."

Nervously, I bite into my lower lip. "What if the issue is... external?"

"Then, we will have a real fucking problem on our hands." Nicco then swings his long, muscular legs over the edge of the bed to pull on his trousers. "I am going to check on the main control panel and give my security team another call."

Trying not to panic, I start rising from bed as well. "I'll go with you."

He leans over to kiss me. "No, stay here. There is not much you can do, anyway. This is a private matter between my team and me. Not a work-related issue. Let me handle it."


"Get some rest while you can. We will be flying back to London in a few hours."

"Okay, fine," I agree after some hesitation. "Let me know if you need help, though."

"Of course."

With urgent strides, Nicco heads out of the room. As I watch him leave, the anxious butterflies in my stomach start swarming like bees. After the door closes behind him, I look back at the security camera. The red light is still blinking. Still recording my every move.

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