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Ch. 31: Desperate Times

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My concern fades when Nicco draws me toward his large, solid frame, "Why do you look so scared, Aria?"

"Probably because I'm terrified," I admit, wrapping my arms around him to burrow even closer. I can feel the beat of his heart against my chest. The strong, steady cadence soothes me.

He murmurs against my temple, "What is bothering you the most?"


Where do I even begin?


Nicco's arms tighten around my waist. He makes me feel safer.

"Tell me. Per favore," he urges gently.

Like a dam bursting, my fears come tumbling out in a rambling outburst, "I-I'm scared of what might happen to us. I hate giving up control to some faceless fucker who can ruin our lives with the click of a button. I'm scared of seeing you get hurt."

"Put your fears to rest. I will end anyone who tries to hurt us," Nicco vows.

His voice brims with quiet fury while guilt eats at me. Our relationship was thrust from zero to one hundred overnight. We're going full throttle now. It's both insane and exhilarating to think about. I bet this horrible position is the last thing Nicco ever wanted to find himself trapped in. I can't help hating myself for being the reason why Jaime has now become a threat to Nicco.

A heaviness weighs on me when I ask, "Do you regret it?"

"Regret what?"

"Getting involved with me?"

"Never," he insists in gruff tones, "you have become more important to me than you know, Aria."

Feeling somewhat dazed, I exclaim, "I can't believe we're actually moving in together and getting engaged. What a fucking plot twist."

A low chuckle slips out of Nicco. "Desperate times call for desperate measures, no?"

I laugh uneasily. "I guess that's one way of putting it."

With a softened expression, Nicco leans over to kiss away my distress. His hand reaches for mine again. His thumb and forefinger caress my ring finger, circling the very spot where an engagement ring might fit. "I know this is all meant for show, but it feels very real to me. I do not know if a selfish bastard like me is even capable of love, but you are always on my mind and very much in my heart. Come what may, I stand with you. You are mine to protect now, principessa."

I flash him a look of awe. "Fuck, Nicco. When you say shit like that, it makes me want to believe..."

He nuzzles my cheek affectionately. "Believe in what?"

Nothing about our engagement is supposed to be real, but everything about Nicco makes my heart sing despite the dangers lurking ahead of us.

I turn my head to kiss him, whispering, "In love."


Time stops for no one even when the world feels like it's spinning out of control. As my fellow Londoners would say: Keep calm and carry on.

Nicco and I have agreed to keep our mouths shut about the engagement for another week or so. He wants me to meet his sister first and introduce me as his fiancée. This way, he believes, it'll feel like the real fucking deal on all fronts.

Only then will we drop the first hint about our engagement at Manning' dinner party. I'll show up at the event with a ring on my finger and let office gossip do the rest. We aren't planning to release anything on social media just yet. Anything too showy at this point might feel staged. Our engagement needs to appear as authentic as possible. Every detail must be released with painstaking care, delivered to the public in believable, bite-sized, organic increments.

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