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After breakfast, Daciana fed Alana while Alex went to bath so he could go out.

Daciana was in the kitchen washing the dishes while Alex was now heading out. The doorbell rang and Alex opened the door.

"Oh Drake you're here already. I was about coming to your house." Alex said and gave Drake a manly hug.

"I heard the news bro, congrats." Drake said and walked in casually.

"Drake!" Daciana who heard his voice yelled and went to hug him.

"You left without saying goodbye. How could you be gone for seven whole months?!" Daciana asked unbelievably and Drake laughed.

"Am sorry Luna. Where's the newborn?" Drake asked changing the topic.

"She's sleeping upstairs." Daciana replied.

"I'm leaving." Alex announced and Daciana kissed him goodbye. He always had pack business.

"Oh we have a princess." Drake said and went upstairs. He knew the way to the nursery which surprised Daciana.

"She's not in the nursery!" Daciana yelled after him but he was already far gone. She was glad he was back.

According to Alex. Drake lost his mate three years ago and he still hasn't gotten over the pain. He would leave the pack and stay in the human world for a long time where he had lots of memories with his mate.

His mate Rila was a human who didn't know about werewolves. He dated her pretending to be a human for three months. When he was ready to tell her about werewolves, she met with a terrible car accident that took her life.

Daciana felt his story to be a painful one and she really wanted to sympathize with him but she knew better than to open up old wounds.

She went upstairs to see Drake in her bedroom with the now awake Alana who was looking at him curiously.

"She seems to like me." Drake said. He was playing with her fist bump.

"Of course she does." Daciana smiled. "Do you mind staying downstairs with her for five minutes? I need to bath." She said.

"Sure, take your time." Drake replied and picked up Alana before walking out of the room.

Drake stayed two more hours with Daciana and Alana before leaving to assist Alex in pack business. He had assured Daciana that he wouldn't be going to the human world again because he felt guilty for neglecting his responsibilities for so long.

Daciana was now left alone with Alana who had started crying again. She breastfed her this time and burped her afterwards.

She was changing her diapers when the doorbell rang.

"Coming!" She yelled and wrapped the pink shawl around Alana properly before placing her in the carrier. She went to get the door.

"Hi Moms." She greeted and hugged Maria and then Amina.

They came inside and went straight to Alana who was starting to fall asleep.

"She's as cute as ever." Amina said.

"Mum, isn't aunt Marceline asking about your whereabouts?" Daciana asked.

"Don't worry dear. She isn't worried. I just told her I'll be going home for three months." Maria said.

"Okay." Daciana replied.

"Let's watch TV." Amina said and they all turned to the television.

They stayed with Daciana till night time when Alex arrived.

Time skip to two years later

It was Alana's second birthday and Alex and Daciana were decorating the house and making other party arrangements.

Alana who just woke up climbed out of her crib and went downstairs. Her white fuzzy blanket covered her small figure.

"Momma, Dada." She called crying.

"Yes Angel, we're right here." Daciana said and went to the end of the staircase to carry Alana.

"Happy birthday sweetie." Daciana said and kissed her cheek.

"Where's my little princess? There she is!" Alex said and tickled Alana making the toddler giggle uncontrollably.

Daciana put her down and picked up the blanket which was now on the floor. Alex started singing her a birthday song but Alana was more interested in the balloons on the floor all around the house.

She picked up balloons giggling. Her shoulder length black hair covering her face as she jumped around, tossing the balloons on the air.

"She's so cute." Daciana said leaning against Alex's chest.

"And so is this little guy." Alex replied rubbing her tummy. Daciana was four months pregnant and very soon, Alana would be a big sister.

Daciana took Alana to bath her and dressed her into a cute white dress and braided her hair at the sides of her head.

Daciana took Alana to bath her and dressed her into a cute white dress and braided her hair at the sides of her head

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(Photo of Alana)

"Momma, I mwant oyreo."(Momma, I want Oreo). Alana said as they walked downstairs.

"No sugar for breakfast Angel. I don't want you jumping around the house and ruining your party." Daciana said.

"Oyreo! Oyreo! Oyreo!" Alana just kept yelling stomping her feet on the floor.

"Come on baby, let her have Oreos just for today, it's her birthday after all." Alex who was cooking in the kitchen said.

He went to the fridge and took out a packet of Oreos.

"You always give in to her request, it's why she's becoming spoiled." Daciana complained and went to sit at the kitchen table.

"If I don't spoil our daughter, then who will?" Alex asked as he placed a plate of pasta on the table.

Daciana dived into the food forgetting she was mad at him. Alex chuckled and took the biscuit from Alana which was already half.

"You sure love sugar." He muttered and place her on her baby chair in the dinning table. He placed her own plate of food front of her but Alana seemed displeased.

"No pawsta! No, no, no!" Alana yelled pushing the plate away from her.

"Come on princess. It's really good." Alex said. Just then the doorbell rang and he went to get it.

"Hey family man." Drake greeted.

"Hi bro" Brian said.

"Welcome you guys." Alex replied smiling. They came with gift bags. They walked in to see a messed up toddler.

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