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As I drove through the almost empty street of Lone Oak- It was named so because people could see only a few people and cars moving in and out of it. It was the loneliest street as far as West Vale was concerned- I occasionally stole glances at Elena; she was mumbling incoherently, and the back of my palm went to her forehead to feel her temperature.

Grimacing, I withdrew my hand and then switched on the air-conditioner to cool her heated skin.

It was getting worse at the moment, and it was beginning to terrify me. She had been fine yesterday and never showed any sign of fever. Heck, we had even argued, but no sign of her feeling this unwell.

Perhaps she was bitten, I thought to myself. My breath quickened, and with trembling hands, I brushed aside the strands of white hair covering her neck gently while searching for any mark. My tensed body relaxed, and I let out a sigh of relief as I found none.

Moreover, Elena was still trying to comprehend all that was happening, and I wasn't sure I would like to see her be a werewolf. One monster was enough in a household; having two or more would be disastrous, just like mine.

Gemma was an exception, for she was a baby and didn't know what was in store for her yet. The only thing I wished for was for her not to be like me when she became older.

I stepped more on the accelerator, and I got home in record time.

Turning off the ignition, I darted out of the car; then I moved briskly to the passenger seat. I positioned one of my arms under her legs, and the other went to support her neck. Then I hoisted her out of it.

Her hands hung around my neck loosely as I clutched her still feverish body in my hand while whispering, “You'll be fine in her ear.”

She writhed in my arms, her mouth hung open, and I watched her lips move. I strained my ears to hear what she was saying because it was very low. I couldn't hear all the words, but I could make out my name. Her eyes twitched, and they snapped open.

Grey, unfocused eyes stared at me. Her already pale skin was now paler, and her temperature kept skyrocketing. She creased her brows, and her mouth opened to say something. Instead, no words came out. She shut it before losing consciousness again.

“Mom!” I yelled, stepping into the hall. I strode towards the infirmary, which was located beside the room where the pack meeting was often held.

Kicking the door open, I gently placed her on one of the beds and lifted the curtain for light to stream in, as well as opening the windows for cool air.

Elena moaned, then tossed about on the bed, and I heard her mention my name for the umpteenth time, making me wonder what she was seeing that made her mention it.

“Mom!” I yelled again, stepping out, and this time she replied.

“It better be some great news that made you yell my name that way.” She mumbled.

I met her halfway in the living room beside the staircase, and I clutched her hands in my still trembling ones. Releasing her hand, I placed it on my chest as I wheezed.

 Her brows furrowed while tapping her manicured nails on the rail. “What's the matter?”

I gripped the bannister as my brain turned hazy.

She hurried to my side as I didn't answer her. “Breathe!” She stated firmly, rubbing my back.

I inhaled deeply before letting it out slowly. After a few seconds, the panic attack vanished.

She wrinkled her upturned and tutted. “I smell human all over you, Aiden, and why do you look so distressed?”

She rested her hands on her hips, and her gaze bore into mine as she awaited my answer.

Fated-Alpha's Second Chance mateDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu