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“Hello?” I yelled as I came awake in an unfamiliar place.
And maybe if at least a lamp brightened it, I might have recognised the location.
My voice resounded in the empty room, and I could hear the gush of a stream nearby.
Standing up, I used my hands to feel my surroundings. I noticed how rough the walls and ground were.
It took me a minute to realise I was in a sort of cave, but the question was, how did I get there?
“Oh, gods!” I muttered as I remembered what had happened.
“Aiden!” I shouted, but I received no response.
I remembered being with him and Sienna until the latter began to chant something that flung Aiden and me off balance.
“Hello, anybody here?” I grimaced, breathing in and out as my leg slammed into a pebble.
Aiden and his family might be worried sick about me right now, I thought while I caressed my sore toe in the dark.
Despite the aches in my legs, I pushed forward. I didn't relent until I got to an opening brightened by a blazing torch.
I wondered who was with me as the aroma of varieties of food glided into my nostrils. My stomach grumbled, and my mouth watered.
Also, I shuddered as I thought of encountering a barbarian or, worse, a cannibal who wouldn't hesitate to rip me apart.
Nevertheless, despite my dark thoughts, I walked towards the light.
I noticed a room beside it; it was ajar and brightened with light.
Peeking into it, I saw no one was inside. I was about to check the other room when a voice halted me.
“Daughter of light, please step into the room.”
The voice was pleasant, and my heart warmed up at its kindness.
My breathing hitched, and my eyes darted around as I searched for who could be talking.
“I mean no harm to you. The answer to your questions is here.” It said.
Courageously, I stepped into the room, even if that was the last thing I wanted to do.
I needed answers as to why I was here. Answer to who my birth mother was because no one in my family had ever mentioned her. Not even my dad.
He had been so dodgy regarding discussions that pertained to her.
All I knew was I was a princess since my father was a Baron.
The room wasn't like anything I had seen or been in. Crystals surrounded the room, and several symbols I hadn't seen or knew of adorned the wall like a mural.
Each time I gazed into the crystal, different images of me were shown right from the time I was an infant till now.
I noticed a woman with platinum hair who was pregnant and in a lot of pain.
Also, what looked like a younger version of my dad stood by her.
I stepped closer to the crystal, and I could hear everything said.
My birth mother, who was known as Selene because my dad had called her that way, was a beautiful woman with hair and eyes like mine. She had every one of my physical features.
“George, I don't think I can last longer than I desire." She moaned, then continued. "Please take care of Elena and keep her from harm's way."
"No matter what happens, never let her out of your sight. She is a wonderful child. Also, I'm sorry I'm saying goodbye to you; I need to return to my world.” She winced.
What does she mean by that? I mulled.
She doubled over while panting, and her eyes gleamed white as another contraction hit her.
“Sorry, darling,” Dad mumbled, stroking her back.
“It's time.” She cried out with all her might, thunder resounded from afar, and lightning struck. The wind whacked violently against the thatched house they were in, and the rain thumped mindlessly on the ceiling.
Despite the violent storm, the house was unaffected as she continued screaming to bring her baby, me, into the world.
Eventually, when I came forth, she breathed heavily, and I noticed her eyes went dim.
“Bring her to me, George.” She said, and my father conceded.
“I'm giving you this power, my child, this protection to ward off evil from you.” She placed a necklace around my neck, which I still have now.
Her pale hands brushed my soft curls, trailing tiny kisses all over my bloody body.
I felt tiny jolts of electricity in my body as my gaze was fixated on the crystal. My fingers jerked, and I noticed it simmering.
It was as if the power in me was waiting for this particular moment to surface, and it felt excellent.
I didn't realize I was crying until a tear slipped into my mouth. My body trembled with each sob, but I didn't stop until that voice resounded again.
“That was your mother.” She confirmed.
“Why am I here?" I inquired, sniffing.
“We are getting to that, and you might want to shield your eyes for this.”
A bright light flashed. Before I could cover my eyes, it was already too late. My visions clouded, and I was partially blind from it.
“Sorry for the late warning.” A warm hand caressed my shoulder.
She touched my eyes, restoring my sight.
I blinked once, then twice, before my gaze got accustomed to my surroundings once again.
She was a foot taller than I was. A kind smile brightened her face; she gripped two torches, one in each hand. Her eyes, a bright blue with fire, bored into mine.
I was mesmerized and couldn't look away from her beautiful kaleidoscopic eyes.
“Elena Harmonia Lockser.”
She breathed out my first and middle name, which only I knew. Even Renee, who was my best friend, didn't.
“Who are you? Why am I here?” I rambled.
“I am Hecate,” She paused, then proceeded, “You are a descendant of mine, and I'm here to reveal your true power to you.”
“I haven't heard of you before from anyone. I have only seen your name in books.” “Are you the goddess Hecate?”
“Yes, I am.” She affirmed, and the torch she carried glowed with each word she said.
“Witchcraft comes from me, and so does magic, good or bad. I am the keeper of the doorway and the creature of the night. Fear not, child, for I have always been with you. Also, I am here to assist you." She smiled.
My arms wrapped around me as I shivered. I didn't feel cold because the cave was warm. But I felt chilled from the power emanating from her.
“Use it.” A shawl just like the one she wrapped around her shoulder dropped on mine.
“Thanks, ” I murmured while wrapping it around me.
“Follow me.” She ordered.
My legs moved on their own accord, and I stepped into an enormous, dimly lit room with only a tiny window.
“Step into the circle.” She commanded, pointing to a circle that had a vast pentagram in it.
I hesitated while glancing at her. However, I was shoved into it by an unknown force, and it brought me to my knees as well.
She snapped her hands, and a grimoire appeared in her hands. It was exactly like the one Maya had used in searching for a spell to cure Ellen.
She shoved the book into my hands and began to chant.
I groaned as a white light flashed into my body.
My body jerked, and I moaned at the sensation. Power surged through me, and I felt energised.
“It is done." She declared.
I gasped, jolting awake.
“Where am I?” I whispered, glancing around me.
“Thank goodness you are awake!” Maya yelled while flipping through the books with her magically, perhaps looking for a spell.
“What happened?” I groaned, twisting my stiff neck.
“We met you almost lifeless. Can you remember what happened?” She asked.
“I think so,” I moaned. “Where is Aiden?”
They all stared back at me as if I had the answer to my questions.
“That's why we need you to remember what transpired,” Ellen said.
I thought back to what happened earlier, and then it all clicked. “Oh goodness! It's Sienna; she is around.”
I panicked as I remembered the wicked grin she had on.
“Calm down, Elena, and breathe,” Callista instructed while rubbing my back.
I did as she instructed, and then I took in a deep breath once more before narrating what happened
“You mean Sienna is alive?” Sparkles mumbled, her eyes blinking back tears.
“She is.” I asserted.
“How did it happen? I mean, I saw her lifeless.”
“Necromancy is at work.” Callista said, “Aiden is with her, and I'm sure he needs our help.”
“Of course, I'm fine because I'm with my wife,” Aiden announced as he walked into the room.
“Aiden!” I yelled, running to him, but he shoved me away.
I groaned as I slammed into the wall. I felt a rib crack at the impact.
Then, he strolled in as if nothing had happened.
A stunned look appeared on my face as I gazed after him. He had never been this way before, and it was frightening.
“Aiden, you just shoved Elena," Liam pointed out.
“Who is Elena?" His blue orbs traveled around the house, and they landed on mine.
Silence ensued, and my heart hammered in my chest as I waited for him to recognize me.
“Do I know you?" He questioned.
As soon as the question came out of his mouth, my heart shattered into a million pieces.
“I don't think so. I'm here for Gemma."
I noticed the satisfactory smile on Sienna's face, and I couldn't bear it anymore. “What is wrong with you?”
He ignored my question and pretended as if no one spoke to him.
“Who are you, and what have you done to him?" Sparkles growled as she confronted Sienna.
“I am your best friend, remember?” Sienna beamed.
“She is dead." Sparkles proclaimed.
“To you all. But to Aiden, I'm very much alive." Sienna cackled.
“She's using a spell on him, and it's a form of old magic. Dark magic is dangerous, and you must give it something in return to use it.” Maya prompted as she observed what was going on.
“Where is Gemma?” Aiden asked again.
“You need to leave because you are going nowhere with her." Ellen pointed out.
“I am not leaving without my daughter.” Sienna sneered.
“Yes, we are not leaving without her.” Aiden agreed with her. He was acting more like a puppet, and looking at him closely, he wasn't the Aiden I know.
“I know you are in there, Aiden. Snap out of the trance she has put you In." I pleaded.
Sienna snorted. “He can't hear you, new girl. He's mine, and so is Gemma. You are a nobody. You'll always be a bastard and the second choice you are."
I trembled, my hands balled into fists at my side as I imagined squeezing her neck.
She choked but quickly regained herself.
“Don't joke with me, little girl. You are powerless to me."
“You think so?" I muttered.
As if propelled by forces, I stretched out my hands and chanted.
“I am Hecate's descendant, a pure witch, and I am Lady Elena of Candor!” I roared, and fire gutted out of my hands.
Sienna cackled, then snapped her finger. She struck me with a fireball, which made me staggered.
“I need to kill you now because you are an annoying pest." She snickered.
My back arched as she hoisted me off the ground.
“Sienna, stop it!” Sparkles begged.
“I can't hear you. You need to speak louder." She laughed.
“Maybe this would make you." Maya gritted her teeth as she retaliated.
“B*tch!” Sienna roared, releasing the grip she had on me. “I'll be back!" She added, then vanished with Aiden.
“Elena!” Ellen yelled. “Are you alright?"
“A-Aiden." That was all I managed to say before I became unconscious.

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