Chapter Six

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Like the last time I thought Theo knew my secret, that feeling of dread returned, except this time I knew he actually knew. Every possible scenario shot through my mind— word getting out, my family finding out, being outed to hundreds of thousands of people. I couldn't let that happen. But wasn't it too late? Theo knew. He'd been standing there. He heard everything. It was over. He knew.

I opened my mouth to deny it, to play it off, to do anything, but instead, hot tears just started pouring down my cheeks. The anger I felt toward Marco crashed into the anxiety I felt from Theo's words, rendering me speechless. My chest constricted so much that I found it hard to breathe, let alone talk my way out of this. It was the worst possible timing for not only him to show up, but also for my emotions to catch up to me.

The amusement on Theo's face vanished, his eyebrows furrowing. He glanced behind me at Marco for a moment, before stepping out of the threshold of the door, his foot keeping the door open. "Go."

I blinked up at him through my bleary eyes, confused. Why was he letting me go? Didn't he want to question me? I'd already given him so many lies. Why wasn't he angry? Wouldn't he accuse me of being a pervert again?

"Theo!" Marco called from behind us, making me jump. "The man of the hour is here! Did you need me for something?"

Theo frowned, stepping forward so he stood between myself and Marco, now holding the door open with his hand. "No, I came to find Maisie."

"Maisie?" Marco repeated, sounding confused at first, then snapping his fingers. "Ah, right. She has the updated script for you."

"We'll be on our way, then," Theo told him, his arm going to my waist, but only hovering over the area, not touching me, guiding me out of the stage. "Let's go."

I followed Theo as he took off in front of me, crushing the revised script in my hand with how tightly I held onto it. It took everything in me to keep from hyperventilating. I focused on his broad shoulders, the gold necklace around his neck, and the slightly uneven line of hair at the nape of his neck. Theo knew. It kept repeating in my brain, echoing loudly, drowning out the sound of the busy halls.

We came to a halt outside a door and it took me a second to realize it was Theo's dressing room. He unlocked it and swung the door open, turning back to me, lips pressed together. "Come in."

"You want me to come in?" I asked, the surprise momentarily making my panic subside.

"I think we need to talk."

My two choices were standing out in the hall with tears in my eyes and drawing even more attention to myself or going with him. I stepped into his dressing room and he closed the door behind us. Using the back of my sleeve, I wiped my eyes, embarrassment creeping in for having Theo seen me cry. I heard the click of a lock and I looked at him in alarm, but he ignored me, testing the handle three times to make sure it was locked.

Seemingly satisfied, he stepped away and finally noticed my unease. He glanced back at the locked door and tensed a bit. "It's not to lock you in. It's to keep people out." After a second, he reached for the lock again. "I can unlock it if you feel uncomfortable—"

"It's fine," I said, my voice sounding thick. "Um, about what Marco said..."

"I heard everything," he said. "Or do you plan to lie your way out of this one, too?"

I bit my lip, unsure of what to say. Could I lie my way out of this one? If I was convincing enough, would he believe me? Lying had gotten me this far. It was worth a shot if I could save my secret. "I'm really not the author—"

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