Chapter Nine

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It turned out, I didn't need to worry about Theo being recognized after all.

Because I didn't even recognize him as he came and stood beside me on the outskirt of The Grove shopping complex.

"Maisie," he said as a greeting, scaring the shit out of me.

I choked on the latte I was drinking, spitting it out in front of me onto the pavement. Rowan snickered beside Theo as I turned to them, liquid dribbling down my chin. I coughed for a moment more, trying to clear my windpipe, eyes watering as I wiped my mouth on the back of my hoodie sleeve.

"Sorry," Theo said, his voice slightly muffled behind the black mask he wore.

"It's okay," I responded, my own voice raspy as I held in a few more coughs.

Along with the mask, Theo wore a black baseball cap that aided in hiding most of his features, only leaving his dark brown eyes and long lashes visible. A black turtleneck covered his neck and he wore a black leather jacket over it paired with black jeans and black boots as if he was trying to embody a Good Charlotte song.

"Was your plan to blend in with the shadows?" I asked him.

Rowan laughed again at this and I felt oddly proud of myself that I'd made her laugh. I switched my attention to her and realized she'd even toned it down with her outfit. She wore a tight-fitting graphic t-shirt and light-washed skinny jeans with rips in them instead of her usual high-fashion moments.

They still stuck out a little, though. It was impossible for a pair like them to stop being attractive. These outfits just made them look attractive in a different way. It made me reconsider my leggings and pink hoodie, but then I remembered it didn't matter, as I'd be trying on clothing in a moment. Better to wear something that was easy to get in and out of.

"What store should we go to?" I asked. "I don't really know the best places to dress shop."

"I do," Rowan said. "Follow me."

I glanced at Theo who gave a slight nod and together we fell into step behind Rowan. Theo's cologne wafted over to me and I inhaled it, remembering how much I loved it. I really wanted to wear it myself. I decided to bite the bullet. "What cologne do you wear?"

"Versace Eros," he answered, his hands swaying at his sides as we walked. "Why?"

"I want to buy it," I told him. "It smells really good."

"It does," he agreed.

"You don't care it's a men's cologne?" Rowan asked, glancing over her shoulder at me.

I shrugged. "I don't really believe things should be gendered. Why would I not wear a scent I like just because it's marketed toward men?"

The corner of Rowan's lips twitched up before she turned back around, not saying anything else. I couldn't tell if she agreed with what I said or thought I was weird. Not that I really cared. I would wear whatever I wanted to, and not care what anyone had to say about it.

Rowan led us to Nordstrom and paused by the glass doors of the entrance. People swarmed around us and I remembered that it didn't really matter if it was a weekend day or not— this place always felt swamped. Theo stood unnaturally still, arms tight by his side, gaze directed toward the ground. Rowan also seemed uncomfortable, her gaze never stopping, scanning the area, as if on high alert.

"Let's go in," she said after a moment. "We'll be able to find something here."

"Is here okay?" I asked as we entered the building, a wave of cool air hitting us, the AC blasting even in October. "Don't they usually ask who you're wearing on a red carpet?"

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