Chapter 8

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Friday, December 20, 2:27 pm - Y/n POV
Things have been pretty tame since Halloween night. With today being that last day of school beore break, my anticipation for the last bell to ring only grew. Teachers bombarded students with copious amounts of work to comeplete knowing damn well that no one was actually gonna do it. They do this to themselves. Our teacher was going on about some project we had to complete over break. Something about the weather or- I dont know. Why does time seem to go in reverse when it comes to school? I swear its been 2:45 for the past ten minutes now.

"...This will not be for a grade but I do expect each and everyone of you to participate. And-"

Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring

"-Ugh, class dismissed."

Within seconds the classroom was completely empty and students from all over the school flooded the halls so they could get home. As for me, I took my time with packing up. I had no plans over the break so there wanst anything I was in a rush to get to. "Hey Y/n."

"OH SHIT- hi Sal. Don't sneak up on me like that." What I've noticed is that Sal moves a lot like a cat. He's quiet and his footsteps are light so he can easily sneak up on people. Maybe it's the fact that he owns one and so he just adopted Gizmo's habits? But nevertheless, remind me to get a bell for him or something; maybe a whistle.

"I'm sorry, you ready to go?" I gave him a nod and grabbed my bag Heading towards the lockers to meet up with everyone else. Larry was already there waiting for us with Ash, both arguing about something like they usually do.

"No you're wrong! Cherry is the best flavor!" Ash yells at him shoving her red slushie in Larry's face. "I'm gonna have to disagree with you Ash. It's blueberry for the win, all the time." Larry shrugs his shoulders and turns around as if to say he was right and done with the conversation. "You're such a- oh perfect, Y/n. What do you think?"


She held up her hand and showed me her chilled drink, "slushie flavors. Blueberry or Cherry?" Larry started to slurp on his own loudly and obnoxiously to try and drown out what Ash was saying. Picking sides would only lead to disaster, and possibly World War iii, so to settle this dipute I chose, "both."

"Both?" Ashley repeated as she looked at me with confusion and a hint of betrayal. "She's only saying that to spare your feelings," Larry said, "It's okay Y/n, we both know blueberry is better", he contunited on in a whisper to try and avoid Ashey hearing. "I heard that you knucklehead!"

"HEY! What did we say about mean names?" Larry said with a pout. Ashley stuck her tongue out at him and turned to face me again. "So Y/n, any plans for the break?" She asked me.

"Eat, sleep, binge watch shows, sleep more, and eat."

"Sounds solid," Larry agreed.

Ash let out a sigh of defeat. "You guys are boring. You mean to tell me that there's nothing you wanna do over break? Nothing at all?"



"Not really."

"Unbelievable," She said, then walked away, probably to her dad's car so she could head home. I shrugged it off and turned to face the two boys. Some time agao Todd had joined us so we could all walk home together. "Wanna head out now?"

"Yeah, let's go before the snow starts again."

We followed behind Larry who "took the lead" in walking us home. Honestly, I pushed him to walk ahead so he could be the test dummy to look out for black Ice. If he slipped then I knew I'd have to avoid that part of the sidewalk that he slipped on. Was it mean? Sure, but it's Larry so he'll be fine. Sal walked next to me, staring off into space as usual. I noticed he was a lot quieter today than normal, especially during lunch. I wanted to ask if everything was alright but decided against it. If he wanted to talk, he'd come to me when he was ready.

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