Chapter 30: The Shoji Player Serial Murder Case

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Kaiya POV

"Oooh the results from today's match! So cool!" Genta cried as I walked the detective boys home from school.

"Amazing!" Ayumi clapped.

"It's the double H! They are doing really well!" Mitsuhiko said, looking at his phone.

"What's double H?" Conan asked.

"Erm I don't know either." I sheepishly said. What was double H again?

"Eh? Kaiya-neechan, Conan-kun you don't know double H?" the detective boys cried. Conan and I shook our heads.

"Tokyo spirit's Hide and Big Osaka's Higo are known as "Double H" nowadays" Haibara explained.

Walking along beside me, Conan kept staring at his phone, seemingly distracted. I stole a quick peek to see that he was researching about a shoji serial murder case that had been on the news lately.

"What's that character?" Ayumi piped up, looking at Conan's phone.

"It reads yachou." I said.

"Which means that someone intentionally loses a match." Haibara finished. "Just like when Edogowa-kun lets you win the games." The detective boys protested in annoyance, but I knew Conan lost against them for real... I guess the great detective isn't good at video games at all...

"I wonder where the term yachou comes from." Mitsuhiko said.

"Maybe sumo?" Haibara wondered.

"Or shoji." Conan said

"No its not from shoji." a voice interrupted us.

"Ah! Taiko Meijin!" the detective boys cried.

"It actually originated from the game Go. There was a grocer named Yachou who would always let everyone win. He would put others in a good mood so they would buy from his shop. But when he played an evenly matched play against a skilled player Honinbou Shuugen, everyone saw his true skill. That's where the term yachou came from." He corrected us.

"Long time no see Shukichi-san." I waved.

"Hey have you ever played against a player named Nishiko, who was recently found dead?" Conan suddenly asked.

"Yes I have. There was nothing too impressive, but one time after he came back from the restroom, he surprised me with a brilliant move. I prevailed though." Shukichi said.

"Say Shukichi-san, you are dressed up nicely today." I commented.

"Yeah, your hair is done nicely and you shaved your beard." Conan pointed out.

"Are you on a date with Yumi-san?" Ayumi piped up.

I laughed, "You should bring Yumi-san some flowers then! I'm sure she would love those." I told Shukichi.

"No-no I'm just meeting up with someone important today." Shukichi stuttered while blushing.

"It's not a date?" the detective boys chorused.

Shukichi shook his head. "Anyways Kaiya-chan can I talk to you privately?" he asked.

I nodded and we walked a little further ahead. I could see Conan studying me out of the corner of his eye.

"Since you know my brother, would you happen to know how my mother is doing? I haven't been able to contact her." he told me.

"I-I well that's -" I looked down at my shoes. I can't really tell him the truth yet. "I think you should ask Akai-san. Maybe he would know." I suggested. "Is it because you want to introduce Yumi-san to your family...?"

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