Chapter 34: Hatoyama Farm

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Amuro POV

(at Poirot Cafe)

"I'm afraid I haven't the faintest idea where I am." Kazami replied over the phone.

"I was tailing a man suspected of stealing a large amount of explosives when I was struck from behind. By the time I regained consciousness, I found myself in a basement somewhere."

"What about your GPS?" I whispered into the phone.

"The man took away my cell phone. My only option was to borrow a phone from... a corpse I found in the basement... but there's not much charge left..." Kazami explained.

"A corpse? Were they murdered by that man?" I asked.

"It's likely...b-but its fine, I'll find out a way out..." Kazami answered, shakily.

"Don't even think about it, Kazami. Make one wrong move or bring backup, and you'll provoke the culprit... leading to the worst possible scenario..." I warned. "I'll come get you. In the meantime try to describe where you last tailed the man."


Kaiya POV

"Conan-kun and the others went on a field trip?" Azuza asked. Out of the corner of the eye I saw Amuro speaking with someone on his earpiece.

"I believe they are going to Hatoyama Farm with Kobayashi-sensei and Wakasa-sensei." I nodded. "I wanted to get them some snacks when they return from their trip!" I told Azuza.

"Hatoyama Farm?" Amuro questioned. "That fits the description..." he looked deep in thought.

"Amuro-san." I whispered. "Is something going on?"

"Azuza-san, something urgent came up, do you mind watching the shop again?" he asked, taking off his apron.

"Eh? Again? You're always going off somewhere, Amuro-san." Azusa sighed. "Alright, don't worry, I got it! It seems like a slow day afterall." she reassured Amuro.


"Amuro-san, what's really going on?" I asked.

Amuro sighed and revealed that Kazami was trapped in a basement. "Stay here, Kaiya, it could be dangerous with a murderer."

"If Kazami-san's in danger, then of course I'm coming!" I insisted.


"Wouldn't it make more sense to use your car instead of the bus?" I asked as we walked towards the bus stop.

"It's less conspicuous that way." Amuro pointed out. "We need to get to Hatoyama farm without anyone noticing us."


(hears a commotion in the back of the bus)

"That's Conan-kun and his friends!" I noticed. "They seem to be in trouble. I wonder what happened."

"Mitsuhiko took a picture of a man's screen because they were interested in a video he was watching and apparently that man wasn't happy about that." Amuro observed.

"Should we intervene?" I worried.

"Kaiya, we have to keep a low profile." Amuro reminded me.

"I-I know but..." I glanced in the direction of the detective boys.

"Always running into danger..." Amuro said, exasperated as I got up from my seat.

"Hey, let go of Mitsuhiko!" I demanded when I saw the man was grabbing Mitsuhiko roughly by his collar. I ran up to the man and twisted his arm backwards.

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