Chapter 24 - Recruiting Employees

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The other two factories were located in the same area as well, but a little bit farther away. It took Shu Yan a little bit of time to find it. Their designs were similar to the ones over at Owner He's, but their materials weren't as good. Granted, that was also reflected in their prices. As Shu Yan's plan was to have mid- to high-end products, she couldn't look for bargain deals.

Shu Yan had tentatively decided on Owner He's factory. Further, she'd check with Lao Hu and see if he has any other recommendation. One couldn't put all eggs in one basket.

"Boss Shu," said Lao Hu as he walked inside her shop with two men, laughing heartily. "This is Boss Zhang that I had mentioned before. He had remodeled many of the store fronts in City Nan. His work quality is good and pricing reasonable."

Shu Yan had been too busy lately so she also had Lao Hu help her with looking for a remodeling company.

"Hi," said Shu Yan as she shook hands with Boss Shu. "I have already talked to the landlord and gotten their approval to remove this wall and convert it into glass. And I want pendant lamps, eight on each side. I want the cash register moved over to that side. The back room can remain unchanged. And add two changing rooms on the right side. That good?" Shu Yan communicated her ideas with Boss Zhang. She was looking at quite a bit of changes.

The man behind Boss Zhang jotted down all of Shu Yan's requests and drafted a sketch. "Is this in line with what you have in mind?"

"Yes, just like that." Anything that Shu Yan had not previously thought about had been touched up in the draft. No wonder Lao Hu said that many of the store fronts here were done by them. This architect alone was amazing.

"Any other requests?" asked the man as he quickly scribbled down all sorts of data about the store front.

"This is all I have for now. Unless you have other suggestions?" She had never owned her own clothing shop before. All her ideas came from what she had seen in her original world.

The man paused for a second and said, "I'll redesign according to your requests. I should have something for you to look at in two days. You can decide once you look over it."

After walking Boss Zhang and his architect out, Shu Yan stayed behind to ask Lao Hu about the matters regarding clothing factories.

"I have talked to a couple friends about this. Most of the designs you are going to find in City Nan will be very similar. Most of the clothing store owners get their merchandise from the wholesale market in City Hang. It's impractical to supply your entire store's need just from City Nan alone." Lao Hu had a pretty good idea about Shu Yan's situation. She has two children; it was impractical for her to go to City Hang all the time.

"I understand that as well. I just want to explore both options." Shu Yan was quite ambitious, actually. She wanted her shop to have something that stood out, maybe even her own brand one day. It may or may not happen, but she could set the goal for the time being. Nothing wrong with aiming high. She had, after all, transmigrated into a novel, and to this time period. Plus she has the capital, so why not give it a shot?

Speaking of a brand, she didn't even have a name for the shop yet. Shu Yan had come up with a few names, actually, but none of them she was too happy about. Finally she had decided to go with Yanni. Why? Because that was her nickname.

In her own world, both her paternal and maternal grandparents along with her parents had always called her that. It was a nickname filled with their love for her. After she had written those characters down on a piece of paper, her eyes had reddened. Nobody would call her by that name ever again. Perhaps, they'd think about her nickname in the middle of the night and be quietly sad. Shu Yan took a deep breath and decided on the name. She worried that after being here for a while, she'd forgotten who she was.

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