Chapter 116 - Others only need to know they received a lot of awards overseas.

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"Yanyan, there is really nothing going on between me and her. She ran into a hooligan in the past and I happened to be there and helped her out. It has been a few years already and I never saw her again until recently."

"Alright, of course I trust you." Shu Yan looked him up and down. After his trip to City Han, he had become darker from the sun and also lost some weight. "I know that you will be back tonight so I had Aunty made extra food. Have dinner over at my place?"

"Okay." Feng Zeyu nodded happily.

The two ran into many from the neighborhood on their way over to Shu Yan's place. They were already used to seeing the two of them together.

They ran into Lin Hui while waiting for the elevator. Lin Hui gave Feng Zeyu an awkward smile when she saw him. Seeing Feng Zeyu reminded her of the days when she was gossiping to Shu Yan about Feng Zeyu. She had forgotten that she had never bad mouthed him.

"You two went out again today?"

"No, Yu just returned from a business trip so I had him come over for dinner. You went grocery shopping?" Shu Yan shared.

"No, we ran out of soy sauce so I went to get some."

Then they ran out of things to talk about.

Dinner was very hearty. There were chicken, duck, fish, meats, shrimp and crab. Aunty's cooking was amazing and Feng Zeyu fully appreciated it. He had two big bowls of rice. Almost one-third of the food was consumed by him.

"Don't over eat," said Shu Yan with a small bowl in hand that only had a few mouthfusl of rice inside.

"I will be fine. That's all you are going to eat? You should have some more."

"No, this is enough." Shu Yan didn't eat pork or too much rice at night. She would have some vegetables and also some seafood. She will eat till 80% full. It was both healthy and weight-maintaining. Good for the skin as well.

Feng Zeyu frowned. That was less than two mouthfuls for him.

"You are already skinny enough. You don't need to lose more weight." Truth was he felt that Shu Yan was too skinny. Her gaining a little bit more weight would be better.

The two had different ideas of what pretty was. Those at this day and age preferred women to be slightly chubby. They looked lucky that way. In Shu Yan's era, it was all about the bony kind of beauty. Granted, too overly skinny was not attractive either. As such, Shu Yan had stopped trying to lose weight but focused more on becoming shapely.

"I am not. That really was enough food. Maintaining my weight is one thing, but I also want to be healthy. As our ancestor had said, the trick of longevity is to eat only to partially full." Shu Yan explained with a smile on her.

Feng Zeyu had heard of that as well but very few could achieve that. That fact that Shu Yan could maintain that meant that she was a very persistent person.

After dinner, Feng Zeyu took out the gifts that he had brought back from City Han. In addition to food, he had also brought back a lot of silk flowers for Shu Yan and JingJing. All of the silk flowers looked very live-like and pretty. For Tianbao, he brought back a horse carved out of stone. It was equally live-like.

"Thank you, Uncle Fang." JingJing was very happy when she saw the silk flowers sitting inside a box.

Tianbao, too, loved his gift. He would not put down the stone horse.

"I am glad you like it." Feng Zeyu was happy that the children loved the gifts that he had picked out for them.

"I like them too." Shu Yan had a pony tail today. She picked up one of the silk flowers and put it next to her ear. "How does that look?"

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