Chapter 6

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Greenstar Hospital, Ven - 3:15:12 PM

Jen woke up in a hospital room with a mana bag inserted into her arm. Although her body hadn't suffered any life-threatening injuries, she needed a lot of rest after the battle. It was the first time she had been pushed to her limits.

She looked around the room and saw Moon sleeping on a chair near the exit door to the right, and Yuri sleeping on the carpet.

"I-I got defeated by him?" She said in denial. "Impossible."

She lay down on the bed and covered her eyes with her right arm.

"Uugh, I feel damned."


A few minutes later, she stood up from the bed and approached Moon, poking her to wake her up.

"Gh, not now Jen..." She said in her sleep. "I'm not going to the caves today."

There was a brief silence of poking until Jen spoke, "Hey, wake up."

"Jen?" Moon said as she slowly opened her eyes. "JEN! YOU'RE AWAKE!"

She grabbed Jen and hugged her tight. The force was so strong that it's now suffocating her.

"L-lEt me GO! I'm ABouT TO DIE!" Jen exclaimed as she was released from her strong grip.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that!" Moon apologized.

Jen gasped for air and coughed two times. "P-Please don't do that again."

There was a brief pause in the room until Moon spoke.

"So, what happened Jen?!" She exclaimed at her. "What happened back there?!"

"Yuri said that you attacked him first!" Moon said to Jen.

"When we were talking, he just called me a little girl!" She answered. "You know how angry I will get when someone calls me that."

There was a pause for a moment.

"Jen, you know I'm your friend, and I'll support you every time you made a mistake, but this has just gone too far," she said to her.

"So, what happened during the fight?" Moon asked Jen.

Jen thought about the past events. Though she couldn't recall all of them, she remembered that Yuri's arms turned into weapons that were extremely effective against her.


"-and they came in like wooosh!"

"Then, this went out of the ground like shwshwshwshw!"

"And then I smashed him with my hammer like BOOM! Pheooowwww..."

"After my attack, he came out unscathed. Literally Impossible!"

"That's what happened."


There was a brief pause of silence in the room.

"So, he defeated you with those abilities of his?" She asked Jen.

"Yeah, I kept dodging and weaving the attacks, but after a ton of those, I became tired," Jen pointed out the reason of her defeat. "It's like he has infinite stamina..."

"Hm," Moon wondered. "Did you see how much mana did he have?"

There was a brief pause of silence in the room.

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