Chapter 19

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"Everything kills everything else in some way."

- A person waking up on Monday.

* * *

Silence filled the rooms, hallways, and gardens of a mansion, once bustling with maids and butlers maintaining the absolute "perfect" state of the surroundings. Exclude the occasional MIB agents patrolling around, the place was truly desolate; devoid of any life. 

Inside one of the rooms is a man, presumably in his late 40s, sitting at his desk - facing the front door. The surroundings were filled with antique furniture, large cabinets, and filled up bookshelves, giving it an "old" vibe. The smell of scented candles and wax also permeated throughout the room, though there weren't any candles to begin with for some reason.

He took a deep breath, and prepared himself for what's in front of the door.

"Open!" he exclaimed. The two agents outside didn't even get to knock when he called them out. They slowly opened the door and were greeted by his stare. 

"Pardon the intrusion, Mister Garrett," the blonde agent said, greeting him with the utmost respect. "We've come to bring news about your daught--"

"Spit it," the man interrupted. "What did those bastards say?"

"O-Our search personnel encountered one of their members, and they said that they'll... negotiate with you."

Silence filled the room for a few seconds, giving him time to think.

"Huh, anything else?"

"Sir William is willing to give you further information about the topic."

The man then stood up rom his seat and walked towards them.

"Take me to him."

"Please follow us."

* * *

Outside the mansion at the front gate is where the commander of the elite divisions stood - accompanied by dozens of agents that were equipped with a variety of weapons, ranging from swords to literal assault rifles. The commander scratched his chin as he waited for the owner of the mansion to come out and inform him. After a minute, he finally came out.

Garrett Griffonvale. One of the strongest individuals that currently exists on Stardust, and on the continent. Looking at his aura alone would be enough to make an experienced adventurer freeze in fear, waiting for impending doom. The surrounding MIB agents tensed up as he approached the gate; their arms already on their weapons incase something goes wrong. After reaching the entrance, he stopped.

Garrett reached out his hand to the commander. "Welcome," he said.

William introduced himself. "William Denster - Elite Divisions Commanding Officer." 

They both shook hands after.

"What did they say?" Said Garrett.

"They'd be willing to release your daughter under one condition," William revealed.

"What do they want?" Garrett's eyebrows frowned at William, as if he's about to hear something he doesn't want to know.

"Judging by your looks and the current situation, I'm sorry to say but---they want the crest."

Silence filled up the area, only being interrupted by the sound of the blowing wind. The surrounding agents next to Garrett could now feel a pressurizing sensation coming from him, almost as if they're being crushed. 

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