22.Sip Sip

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(I'm going to TRY and update two times a ween but we'll see. I know it's Tuesday but I'm going to update every Monday and Thursday.)

I sipped my jamaica as I walked alone through the streets.

Funny enough, Ghost turned down my offer, yet I'm still here. Wandering the streets with a ankle monitor on. I could, of course, take it off and escape but I have a feeling they know the area better than I do and I'd lose this privilege.

I strolled around the streets, wondering how I could have escaped 141 when they were first hunting for me.

It's not fair, they had night vision goggles and heat cameras. They found me from miles away. Even while I was hiding.

"Hey pretty lady, interested in buying a four legged or feathered best friend?"

I turned and saw that there was a guy with dozens of household pets like birds, puppies, cats, turtles.

I skipped over and looked at the allowances Ghost had given me.

20 dollars. I was left with 10.

"How much for a parakeet?"

"Eh, for you pretty lady, seven dollars."

I handed him the money and took the cage with a green, black and yellow bird. I decided that was enough adventure for the day and headed back to base.

"What in the fuck is that!?"

"A bird."

"I didn't say you could bring a bird back!"

"She was so cheap, I couldn't say no."


"Calm down, Ghost. It's not that serious."

"They're loud and noisy and-"

"Oh my god, is that a bird!?" Soap came in running and slid to a stop in front of me.

"Cute, right?"

"What's her name?"


"That's so stupid! I love it!"

Ghost let out a defeated sigh and left.

"Next time, I think I'll buy a bunny."

"Can we name them bomb?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Oh! Why not dynamite?"

"That's probably better. Hey, let's teach Budge how to do tricks!"


I ran into Ghost's room.

He was laying in bed reading a book.

"Hey, watch this!" I jumped onto his legs and sat on them. "Put your hand out."

He let out a sigh but went with my orders.

Budge twittered and tilted her head.

"Go on. He has his mask on, I doubt he'll bite."


"She needs some encouragement. Call her over."

He stared at me before sighing.


"Use a cute voice. That's scary. You tell me to come like that and I'm staying put."

"I'm not baby talking a bird."

"Do it!"


"Budge, fuck his shit up!"

"Tweet tweet!" She flew into his face and began to beat him with her wings.

"Yeah, that's right! Fuck him up!"

"Ow, what the fuck!?"

"Tweet tweet tweet!"

He tried to grab her but she nipped his hand and flew to the back of his head.

"Call her off!"

"It's beyond my control now. Sorry."

"YN! I'm warning you!"

"Budge. Come here."

She flew over and let out a cute little sneeze.

I nuzzled my nose with her beak and she let out a happy tweet.

"You're so good, Budge. The best."

"I beg to differ."

"Keep begging, whore."

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now