71. Let go

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(If anyone knows the artist, do tell so I can credit them!
TW: suicide
Also, I'm number 2 in Ghost tag again, no second serving for you today. 😩)

I want to go to the sanctuary.

But I can't.

So I'm hiding in a tree.

"Simon, calm down!"

"I saw her!"

"Simon, calm down." Soap urged.

"No, it was her! We have to find her!"

"Simon, she's dead!" Soap tried to calm him down again.

"I thought so too! But it was her! It was YN!"

"Simon!" Price called as he ran around.

"YN! YN! Please!"

I hugged the tree branch I was on.

"Simon, stop!"

"Get off me!"

"LT! Listen, YN. is. Dead! She's gone, Simon! She's gone!" Soap tried to grab him but he pulled away.

"If you saw, you'd see that it was her! We need to find her!"

Where's Gaz?


I was kicked out of the tree and I fell to the floor.

Ow ow ow ow.

I broke my fucking arm.

I looked up to see Gaz land next to me.

"Found her."

I groaned and rolled onto my back.


I glanced at my arm.

It was swollen and bruised.

Definitely broken.

"YN?" Price walked over and took his hat off in awe.

"You're...you're alive." Soap whispered.

"No thanks to any of you."

I sat up and cradled my arm.

"YN..." Ghost threw himself down next to me but I scooted away.

"Leave me alone, all of you."

"YN, I'm sorry..." Ghost whispered.

"You left me!" I threw some dirt at Ghost. "I was buried under all that rubble for three days! Three fucking days and no one came looking for me! I was left to be rescued by the nice civilians! I was alone, do you know what it's like to be buried alive and not be able to escape!?"

"I thought you were dead! I wanted to go back and look for you but-"


"That's not true..." He reached for my face and I noticed the tattoo again.

I lunged forward and sunk my teeth into his arm.


Suddenly I felt a pain in my neck and all went dark.

I felt nauseous when I work up.

"Did you have to hit her with your gun!?"


"She was biting you, I panicked!"


"I'm just worried about how she's going to react when she finds out Makia killed herself."

All the nausea, all the headaches all the stomachaches finally hit.

I threw up all over the bed and floor.


Ghost ran over and pat my back.

"You just had to bring that up, huh Soap?"

"I'm sorry! I thought she was still out!"

I tried to talk but all that came out were gags.


Not Makia.

"I told you..." I paused to gag. "I told you keeping her wasn't a good idea! I told you!" I glared at Price. "I TOLD YOU!"

"I'm sorry, YN."

"I BEGGED you not to keep her! I BEGGED you to let her go! I TOLD you it wouldn't be good for her! But did you listen!? You didn't! Because I was just an asset, and who cares what the asset thinks!" I snarled. 

"I don't even know how she did it. There was nothing in her room she could have hurt herself with, much less use to kill herself." Soap glanced away.

"Makia could do the undoable. You should have listened to me."

I pushed Ghost away from me and stood up.

"Now stop looking for me. Look for whoever this Lieutenant is."

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now