Chapter Seven

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(3rd person POV)

The crowd applauded as Y/N finished yet another performance. She stood up and bowed, the smile never leaving her face. When she got off stage, many were there to praise her on her outstanding performance.

"My dear, that was wonderful! You truly are talented!" A kind old woman said.

"Thank you so much." Y/N replied with her signature sweet smile.

"I'd say, that was the best performance I've seen in my seventy five years of life." An old man nest to the woman chuckled.

"Your too kind sir!" Y/N giggled.

"Yes, you exaggerate kind sir. I'm sure there are plenty other better pianists out there than my fiancée. Besides I'm sure this is just a phase she's going through." A voice said from behind them.

Y/N froze and mentally rolled her eyes.

"Richard, I didn't see you there." She said through clenched teeth.

"Well, that's because I wanted to surprise you." He replied as he showed a very unnoticeable smile to her.

"Well consider me surprised." Y/N said stiffly.

"My, my. Dearie your engaged? I didn't know. You're not wearing a ring." The kind old woman said as she took Y/N's hand.

"Yes, why aren't you wearing the ring Y/N?" Richard asked with a stone cold stare.

Y/N gulped.

"It's rather heavy and it makes it difficult to play the keys on the piano properly. So I don't usually put it on while playing." Y/N explained without meeting Richard's gaze.

"I see. Well we should go. Enjoy the rest of the evening." Richard told the old couple before bowing slightly and pulling Y/N by the wrist. Y/N hiked up her long skirt as Richard pulled her to his car. When they got in, Richard turned to look at her.

"When did u start taking off the ring?" He asked with no emotion in his voice.

"It was rather uncomfortable to wear while playing, Richard." Y/N answered softly, still not meeting his gaze.

"Do you want us to look bad?" Richard said harshly. "For goodness sake! We are to be married. DO YOU WANT MY FAMILY'S REPUTATION TO GO DOWN? WHAT KIND OF FIANCÉE DOESN'T WEAR HER ENGAGEMENT RING!?" Richard yelled at her. Y/N still didn't look at him.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" Richard screamed and grabbed her face to make her look at him.

"You are going to wear that ring every single day. No matter what happens. UNDERSTOOD?!" He demanded.

Y/N nodded quietly. Richard let go of her face and started the car before driving off.


"I'm home!" A voice cried from the door.

"Hey dad!" Y/N greets as she hugged her father.

"How was the performance today?" He asked after pulling away.

"It was-well, interesting?" Y/N said for she couldn't find the right words to describe what happened today. She walked behind her father to pick up the mail on the floor.

"Bills, bills, bills, wait a second." She picked up one that was addressed to her.

She went over to that table and grabbed a letter opener.

"Dear Miss L/N,

We would like to ask you to be our special performer at our 25th Anniversary gala for our National Art Museum. We find your playing to be wonderful and soothing. You are truly a gifted pianist. We will pay you if you do decide to come perform for us of course. You will receive $1500 for 3 pieces of your choice. If you do come, here are the necessary requirements:

- You will need to have a partner with you for the evening

- It is a formal event, therefore dress code has to be formal

- The event starts at 7:00pm on the 6th of November

- Upon entering please show the invitation card to our ushers

Thank you and we hope to hear a reply from you soon."

Yours sincerely,

The director of the gallery

Julia Garcia

Y/N took the two invites out of the envelope and stared at them. She stared at the calendar on the table. October 6th. She had exactly one month to prepare for this gala. She was a big fan of the National Art Gallery so she was very excited to go. She ran to the kitchen to share these news with her parents.

"Who are you going to take as your date?" Her mother asked.

"It'd not like I have a choice mom. I have to go with Richard. If not I'll 'spoil his family's image'" Y/N said while air quoting the 'spoil his family's image'.

Both her parents nodded to say they understood.

"Well, I best be making my calls." Y/n said ass she stood up and went over to the telephone.

She dialed Richard's number and waited. After the third ring someone picked up the call.

"Hello?" A voice called.

"Hi, I wish to speak with Richard?" Y/N told over the phone.

"One moment please." The voice replied and she heard him calling his name before she heard someone else picking up the phone.

"Hello?" Richard spoke from the other line.

"Hello Richard." Y/N said in a monotone voice.

"What do you need Y/N?" Richard asked in a frustrated tone.

"There's this gala that I've been asked to perform at. However I am required to have a date. So I was hoping you could be my date for the gala?" Y/N asked.

"When is it?" Richard asked.

"November 6th." Y/N replied quickly. The line was silent for a while.

"Sorry Y/N but I can't." Richard finally said.

"Why not?" Y/N pressed.

"I have plans that night." Richard replied dryly.

"What kind of plans." Y/N pressed on.

"It's none of your concern. Look all that matters is that I can't make it. I'm sorry and goodbye." Richard said swiftly and before Y/N could utter another word, he hung up. Y/N stared at the phone in disbelief.

"I take it that he can't make it?" Her father said from the living room.

"Gee, I wonder what gave that away." Y/N replied sarcastically.

"So what are you going to do?" Her mother asked.

"No idea." Y/N said as she sighed and plopped down on he couch. Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Y/N groaned as she stood up and went to answer it. When she opened the door, she was met with a familiar tall blonde.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

Y/N just stared blankly at him.

"You forgot today was our weekly walk didn't you." Benny chuckled.

Y/N still didn't move.

"Uh, Y/N? You okay?" Benny asked while waving a hand in front of her face.

Y/N blinked a few times. She took a deep breath.

"Benny can you do something for me?" she asked

"Sure, what do you need?"

"Can you be my date?"

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