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Kenny glared as he waited for a response.
You knew he wouldn't budge; although, you had spoke out of the heat of the moment. Revenge hadn't crossed your mind at all; anger was the only thing that surged through your bones.

"I.." you started trying to think and he chuckled.
"I knew it. You haven't even thought of getting even?" he leaned forward with a smile, "Let me help.."
You frowned, "What possibly can you do?"
"Well.. I've thought of one plan. First, you have to answer my question and be completely honest with me"
You knew what was coming, "What is the question?"
Kenny's eyes narrowed as he shifted his folded arms. He leaned against his car before raising an eyebrow, "Why were you guys really dating? I know something is off about the whole situation.."
"That's.." you tried to think of a lie, "It's a long story.. Shouldn't you be getting home?"

He just looked at you. He was disappointed in your response and you were disappointed in yourself.
Emilio.. even the thought of his name made your heart throb.
You wanted to get even but.. something inside didn't want you to stoop so low.

"He betrayed your trust. He took your kindness for granted.." Kenny spoke with a serious tone, "Was there anything you said to each other? Before he hurt you?"

Your mind immediately thought of his words prior.

"I need you"
"I love you"
"Are you sure?"

"Fuck.." you muttered holding your head as tears began to build again, "What the hell Kenny.."

He waited for you to come to. You balled your fists and looked at him with dead eyes.
At that moment, you decided it was unfair for you to be the only one who feels pain. Afterwards, you began to tell Kenny everything.
His eyes widened as you went deeper into the story. He stood up both shocked and disgusted.

"What the fuck.." Kenny muttered and you folded your arms feeling isolated, "Hey.." he reached out for you but you moved away.
He balled his fist and sighed, "So this guy Emilio has a bunch of money? You don't know where from.. yet supposedly he's in debt?"
"Yes.." you replied equally confused.
"I have a plan" he held both your hands and you looked at him with a smile.
"What is it?"
"It will have to happen at prom.."
You gritted your teeth frustrated, "That's not soon enough! I'll have school and have to see him.."
"It's okay, I won't let him hurt you anymore" Kenny suddenly pulled you in closer until your lips met.

Your eyes widened as he kissed you passionately. He held your hands as he closed his eyes and you kissed back. Eventually you broke the kiss and Kenny stepped back with a red face.
You rubbed your arm awkwardly and he cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have.."
"It's fine" you sighed before giving him a big hug, "Get home safe, I'll see you at school tomorrow.."

You kept the hug a little longer as you squeezed him tighter.

"Thank you for being here for me.." you whispered in his ear and he quickly nodded.
"O-Of course!" He broke the hug flustered and began to apologetically, "Sorry! I mean.. we can hug longer.. Sorry!"

Kenny covered his face embarrassed as you laughed. You picked his baseball hat off the ground and put it back on his head. You smiled at him and he gulped with a dazed expression.
You turned to go back in the house as he watched you go inside.

You gave him one last wave before shutting the door. You heard his car crank before driving off and you sighed.

What am I going to do?

You let out one more big sigh before looking at your hands. Flashbacks of when you were with Emilio flooded your mind an again, your head began to throb. You felt sick to your stomach.
You practically ran to the bathroom as you vomited before turning on the hot shower.

You began to scrub.
Scrub like you were washing him off of you. Again you began to cry until your were on the floor of the tub.
After a much needed break down, you got out the shower and looked in the mirror. Your eyes were swollen and your neck was tainted with marks from Emilio. You gritted your teeth and clenched your fists before releasing.

You didn't have any words to say.
You had cried so much you couldn't anymore.

Why did he..

You threw the thought away and got dressed before preparing yourself for a restless slumber.


You woke up the next morning with dread.
You checked your phone and Miki had texted she was picking you up. You also got a good morning text from Kenny which you ignored.
You sighed and got dressed with haste, wearing a black hoodie and sweats.

You threw your hair up and brushed your teeth before hearing a beep from outside. You applied your cosmetics and went out the front door.
You hopped in the backseat and Niah looked back from the passenger seat.

"Jesus girl! You look like shit!" she told you shocked and you glared at her as anger built.

I'm so tired of her shit.

"You look fine" Miki spoke up and you were silent for the whole ride.

Finally your pulled in the school lot and saw Emilio's car parked.

Let's just get this over with


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