The Blade and The Picture

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Chapter 21

The Blade and the Picture

The sun streamed in through the window. I groaned, not wanting to wake up but knowing now that I was awake there was no hope of falling asleep again. I sighed and tried to get up but something held me down. I froze and looked down to see a large muscular arm wrapped tightly around my waist. Every time I moved the arm seemed to tighten around me. I sighed and turned to look at the person beside me and smiled when I saw Luka. He looked peaceful, not a worry line on his face. I smiled and leaned down and gently kissed his cheek. I was about to try and get up again but was stopped when Lukas door swung open to reveal Day. He took one look at us and his eyes widened.

 "Dammit Luka. I can't believe you did this" he screamed. Luka jolted awake and immediately rolled out of bed to stand in front of me in a protective stance. The only problem was he was only in his boxers, and me, I was still only in my undergarments. I gasped when I realized what Day thought had happened.

 "No no no, it's not what you think" I tried to explain, but Day shook his head.

 "Not what it looks like. It looks like this jerk took advantage of you when you were scared and helpless" he growled. Luka glared at him.

 "I did no such thing. If I wanted her I wouldn't have to force myself on her. She would be more than willing" he said. I gasped as I felt tears come to my eyes. Was that really all he thought? Day glared and punched Luka in the stomach and watched him double over before punching him square in the jaw. Luka fell to the ground and I stared in shock. Day turned to look at me and shook his head.

 "I don't know what to think about this" he said. For some reason I felt anger well up in me. Luka had done nothing wrong. Day had hurt him for no reason. I stood from the bed, not caring if he saw me in my underwear. He had seem me in less while we were growing up. I put my hands on my hips and glared at him.

 "He did nothing wrong" I almost shouted. Day opened his mouth to say something but I glared at him harder making him shut up.

 "He did nothing wrong. He helped me, and all that happened was sleep" I said, only telling a small lie. Day nodded and looked down.

 "Ok" was all he said. I sighed, anger still running though my veins.

 "I'm sure you and Night did worse" I growled before walking to the bathroom to change. I took a quick shower then put on my clothes from last night. I would have to go home to get some clothes before the game. I walked out and saw Day helping Luka up from the floor. Luka didn't seem to be bleeding so I guess the worst the punches did was bruise him. I sighed.

 "I'm going home to change and get some things. I'll be back" I said.

 "I'll drive you" Day and Luka said at the same time. I shook my head.

 "No" I said firmly.

 "Luka, you have a game to get ready for, and Day, you can get new clothes here and stay with Night. I need to be alone" I said trying to keep my anger out of my tone, for the most part I did, but if you listened carefully you could still hear the anger under the thin calm I had made. I sighed and collected my stuff before walking out the door to Days truck and driving off. I had to do something to get this anger and sadness out. Was it true? Was I only a game to him, or was it just an act to look strong? Either way it hurt, and it wasn't going to end well no matter what I did to solve it.

 I hopped out of the truck. The lights in the house were off so I guessed my mother wasn't home. I unlocked the door and went up to my room. I pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a green shirt so I would be sporting one of our school colors. I pulled my long hair up into a pony tail and applied more makeup to my jaw. I walked back to my room and over to my closet, and there, in the back of my closet was a box. I sighed and sat down and pulled it out and unlocked it. There, sitting in the box was my release, several little blades. I picked one up and set it to my wrist. Maybe this would help, it always had in the past, but just as I was about to press down on the blade Luka came to mind, then my mom and the gang and Day. I shook my head, trying to tell myself they would be fine, but no matter how hard I tried I knew they would be disappointed and sadden. So I slowly pulled the blade away from my wrist and set it back in the box, locked it, and set it back in my closet and stood. I rushed to grab my camera and down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a small banana and slowly forced myself to eat it. I looked over at the clock and saw I needed to start heading over to the field to see them warm up and get ready. I texted Day to see if anyone needed a ride and smiled when he said he was riding with Night. I went back out to Days truck and started to drive to the football field.

 Once I got there I saw Day and Night standing by the bleachers and walked over to them. I smiled when they hugged each other. Night rested his head on Days shoulder and Day smiled. I quietly lifted my camera and took a picture. They turned towards me and pulled apart. Night blushed and Day chuckled.

 "You gonna let me have that picture right" he asked. I nodded. Night looked down at his feet.

 "C-can I have one too" he asked. I smiled.

 "Yes, of course you can" I said. He nodded.

 "Come on. The rest of the gang is already seated" Day said. I smiled and followed them up to our seats.

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