The End or Just the Beginning

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Chapter 36

The End or Just the Beginning?

I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I flung myself at the toilet where I emptied my stomach of any food I had eaten the day before. I leaned over the toilet and threw up over and over again till I was heaving. My stomach was empty but I still retched like there was something in there to dispel. After I was done I dragged myself to the shower and quickly washed myself before hopping out and drying off. I dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a dark blue t-shirt and a black leather jackets. I blow dried my hair and pulled it up into a sleek clean pony tail. I leaned forward and stuck my tongue out and slipped in a silver tongue ring I never used. My tongues been pierced for two years but I could never wear it at school, it would start too many questions, but today I didn't care. This would be my last day, I knew I would never see that school or any one in it ever again. I pulled on my combat boots and grabbed my stuff then walked down stairs. I didn't bother with food or telling anyone I was leaving. I couldn't bear one more goodbye because I knew I wouldn't be coming home tonight...or ever.
I walked into the parking lot and stopped dead in my tracks. There, in front of the whole school was Luka, kissing Lucy. He held her tightly and lovingly, kissing her with passion. I bit my lip and whipped my face of any emotion before continuing into the school, but as I passed they broke away. Luka saw me and his eyes widened, I didn't meet his eyes I continued to walk. Lucy giggled and wrapped herself around him, smirking at me like the victor she was. I nodded to her and continued walking.

"How does it feel?" She asked. I stopped and faced her.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice a cold drone, no emotions. She giggled and kissed Luka on the cheek before turning back to me.

"How does it feel to know you were used?" She asked. I looked up at Luka, he smirked.

"Like I would ever really care. After all, who would love someone like you?" He said. I shook my head, my heart was breaking. I should have never trusted him or loved him, he was just using me. I looked back up at him and shrugged.

"I have nothing to say." I said. As I walked by I saw the rest of Lukas gang, they all looked angered, but not at me, at Luka. Ash reached out to touch me but I flinched away, I wasn't going to talk or even look at them. I told myself this was for the best, with where I was going it would be better if they never knew me. It was better that he cut all our ties. I told myself over and over again that it was for the better, but it didn't help the pain in my heart. A pain worse than any I had ever encountered. I felt dead, numb once again.

I sighed as I sat down in my last class, photography. I pulled out my project and sat it on my desk. Luka walked in and sat behind me, not saying a word. I sat up straighter and tensed. I didn't like him at my back, I didn't trust him any longer. I turned myself in my desk so I could see him out of the corner of my eye, he slouched over his desk drawing.

I jumped as the bell rang, Miss Bell walked in and started the class. As everyone stood and presented I zoned out, not listening. It wasn't until I heard my name called that I stood and walked to the front. I plugged my computer into the projector.

"I studied and photographed our schools bad boy, Luka Kane Knight. At first he was hard and cold and quite a jerk, but as I saw him with his friends and family I learned he wasn't what we all thought him to be." I said. I showed them the pictures of him and his dad and then his friends at the game.

"He's normal, like us he sleeps and eats and has hobbies." I said as I showed them the pictures of him sleeping at his house during the storm and him eating with is dad at the table. Then I showed them some pictures of him drawing, sitting under a tree or at his desk, so lost in his own world he didn't even know he was getting his picture taken.

"I also learned he's a ladies man, which you all knew, and as I started this project I told myself I wouldn't be like all the other girls and fall for him. I wanted to make him seem like the jerk I thought he was." I paused and took a deep breath. "He isn't a jerk, and I'm just like the other girls." I said. Every one gasped.

I showed them another picture, one Day had taken. It was of me and him sitting on his floor in his room, his arm around my waist as we worked. He had a smile on his face and I had a blush on my cheeks. I saw his father standing near us smiling and the gang seated around us, some of them laughing while others smiled. Ash looked like he was rolling on the floor, tears of laughter in his eyes. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I gave my class a watery smile.

"That's right, I'm just like all the others girls." I said. I looked over to Luka and saw him staring at me, his eyes wide, they were filled with so many emotions. Happiness, sadness, fear, and what I thought used to be love, but I wasn't so sure any more. I stared straight into his eyes as I spoke the six words that killed me, because I knew my feeling weren't returned.

"I love you, Luka Kane Knight." I said. I heard every one gasp and I turned away, not wanting to see his reaction. I unplugged my computer and grabbed my stuff, the bell rang and I ran.
I heard Luka run after me, heard him yelling my name, but I didn't slow down. I pushed past Day as I saw him come out of his class, he yelled for me too but it was too late, I was already outside, already walking to my dad's car. I had called him and told him I would come willingly if he left my family and friends alone, and he agreed, saying he only wanted me.

I got into the car and shut the door, the driver chuckled darkly and drove off. I sniffled as I saw Luka and Day and the gang behind me yelling. I saw the fear in Days eyes and knew he knew whose car this was and what I had done. I had handed myself over to my death. Or maybe it was my new beginning, I had no clue, but I would find out soon enough.

Ok there is a second book I don't know what to call it yet. This is not the end of Luka and Anna I promise but this is the end of this book. Find out what happens next in the second book. BUT I NEED SOME IDEAS ON A TITLE!!!!!

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