Chapter 14: Solace

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Ezra's hands shook and her body vibrated with dread, facing forty familiar faces the next morning, and trying to figure out how she was going to keep them in the dark.

"Morning, everyone." Even her voice sounded distant as far as she could tell. All she could picture was the look Tehreem had given her last night after she returned. And her only response had been, 'I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you everything, but for your own safety, I can't. Just trust me. Please.'

This morning, looking at people who were at ease with their familiar lab surroundings, she felt like the odd one out. "I..." she tried again. To sound normal. To mask the disgust she was feeling. Even now, General Watergate's warning words were ringing.

'We don't want any discordance in the lab or the base, Dr Mayur. I hope you understand the gravity of what is happening here...'

Her first thought had been Fly then, trying not to panic. The man's choice of words 'discordance in the lab or the base' had given her a distinct feeling that something happened to the kid.

'... Considering that possibility,' he'd droned on, 'I've realised we got off on the wrong foot, you and I. We are in the same business; of planning for an unknown future. It's best if we are in lockstep with each other from now. It will only confuse the others if they see us butting heads going forward. So, let's not have any more talks of 'what's really happening at the base' with anyone else, shall we? It puts me in an awkward position. Forces me to make hard decisions with lives of promising young men with their entire future ahead of them... or women.'

In that lab that morning, among her colleagues wondering what secret project they've been lucky enough to join, Ezra tried to find another familiar face. Fly. Only to realise he's not here. They've done something to him...

"I... I'm sure most of you are surprised to see me..." she began again, then stopped, unable to shake the rest of the General's words from her memory.

'We're here, figuring out ways our enemies may create new pathogens, biological weapons, and use it against our great nation. All this unrest over limited resources and who controls it is getting out of hand. There's a sense of impending war over them already, so it's not a farfetched cover story.' The look on the General's face had been icy cold. 'Do you understand, Dr Mayur? Under no circumstances are you to divulge the real reason behind your beautiful pathogen—which reminds me, the board asked me to pass on their request. They would like you, and a select few scientists that Dr... Captain Rai will vet from your team, to quietly make some vaccines and antibodies for the specimen, and whatever else we may need to ensure the safety of select members of our society when hell breaks loose. After all, the future will need a few bright faces... faces like your brilliant sister, Shaki, perhaps... We can ensure that. Her safety. Provide her with a vaccine, and shelter to wait out the storm... but only, and only if you are in lockstep with us this time.'

"Project Rescue..." She tried a third time to not give away her emotions. " a project where we're designing possible pathogens our enemies may use... in the future, and come up with vacc... vacc..."

The blank faces suddenly turned eager, listening intently. Excited even.

Ezra's stomach churned sickly.

'I'll give you a choice yet again: reveal the truth to your lab partners and I will no longer guarantee your family's safety nor the lab's. Let's not repeat history, shall we? Work with me and you'll ensure everyone returns home, to their families, safely, including you.'

Ezra blinked at the small crowd, feeling the room suddenly spin. Tehreem was watching her intently from the front. She reached out absently towards her friend, to grab hold of something, a workstation perhaps, but her hand went through the air again and again. "I..." She stumbled back, "... don't feel so good."

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