Chapter 17(b): Darkness

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"Can I get some water too?" she asked as both her pals sat there silently ignoring the other. Krish abruptly passed the tumbler to her and Ezra took a thirsty sip, relishing as the water wet her mouth and throat. "So who cleaned and stitched me up?" she asked, feeling the tight tug on her shoulder as she passed the empty tumbler back.

Tehreem seemed glad for the change the topic. "Lucky for you, Krish seems to be handy in that area."

"You know how to stitch?" For some reason this surprised Ezra. She knew he could kill a man thousand different ways, but he knew how to stitch a bullet wound? One he gave her himself?

"Tell her how many armies have spend time and money training you to be a killer."

Krish growled at Tehreem's comment. "You're gonna blame the whole thing on me now?"

"Might as well. If you hadn't—" A hard look from Krish cut Tehreem's sentence short.

"What is going on between you two?" Ezra looked from one to the other. "Did I miss something?"

"Nothing much, other than how a company of covert military gained access to and took down a squad of highly trained men like him... yet Krish alone survived?"

"But we did too." Ezra stared, baffled by Tehreem's outburst. "What are you implying?"

"Yeah? What are you implying Dr Malik?" Krish sneered.

"Why don't you tell her how many escaped the facility." Tehreem turned away. "Why don't you tell her about Watergate."

Ezra turned to him then, her curiosity at its peak. Watergate? Was Tehreem implying he too was killed? But why would his own men kill him... unless? "Krish?"

Krish's jaw tightened as he turned to her.

"Is Watergate dead?" Something in Ezra broke loose then, sheer terror. If Watergate was dead then that'd mean the facility wasn't exterminated by his men. Someone else had. But who? Who knew what Watergate was up to? What they were up to?

When Krish remained silent, Ezra almost yelled, "Krish!"

Krish turned to her again. "What?"

"Is Watergate dead?"

His gaze flickered to Tehreem before it resettled on her. He nodded. "Everyone at the facility."

"Then that'd mean—"

"It wasn't Watergate or his men who released the virus."

It was as if someone had gut-punched her then. Her breath went out in a painful whoosh. If Watergate's dead... then what of his promise? What about securing Dad and Shaki at their military bunkers before the release? He promised. He promised me that they'd be safe from this...

"He can't be dead," she mumbled, feeling woozy as she said it. What's happened to Dad and Shaki? "He can't be dead..." Her vision blurred as tears gathered. "He promised to keep them safe... he promised."

"Wow, wow, wow." Krish caught her just as she fell backward. "Easy now. Easy, Doc."

She peered up into his eyes then, searching for the Krish she'd begun to like. "He's not dead. He's not dead. He can't be."

"I'm sorry." Krish shot a look at Tehreem. "I didn't want to tell you yet. Not when you're like this."

"He promised a bunker... he promised a bunker..." Ezra mumbled, watching the room spin uncomfortably before sobs wracked her body and Krish wrapped his sturdy arms around her and let her cry. "He can't... Oh god..."

Ezra didn't know how long she cried or how long Krish held her, or when she became calm again. It felt like someone had placed a slab of concrete on her heart when she pulled away from him. "I have to find them."

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