Chapter 1- Promise

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Hux's pov:

Everyone had got the emails a week before term started- they would have mix subject dorms starting this year. I study history so it was nice to be with people who also studied history. But NO! Now aperently i'm sharing with an ART student. An art student of all people. There just so insufferable, entitled and-

I'm just going to stop myself there.

For the past week I had been practising what I was going to say in the mirror. Over and over again. 'hi i'm Hux.' 'Hi i'm your roommate' 'so... the mona lisa right?'. Simply to say, it was extremely ineffective.

But now I was here. I prepared myself for... everything, as I stood outside the door. Room 76. I could hear music blaring from inside. It was awful and full of screaming. I picked up my heavy bags, took a deep breath in and walked inside.

I was greeted by a tall man with long, slightly wavy, black hair who was only marginally taller than myself. His eyes were... I'm not entirely sure. boring, I suppose. He dressed in all black. Not another. This guy is so sad, God.

He was concentrating on a sketchbook which lay in his lap adding fine details to whatever he was drawing. He stuck his tongue out slightly in concentration. When Inclosed the door he looked up from his sketchbook.

I held out my hand, "Hello I'm A-" I thought about saying my first name then decided not to, "Hux, your new roommate." I smiled, I had to shout over the music.

I'd decided a while ago to never use my first name ever again. I had already emailed all my teachers to use my last name, so that shouldn't be a problem.

He turned the music off (thank god) "Hey mate." He waved at me lazily. He didn't shake my hand. I'd gone out of my comfort zone to say hello and shake his hand and he couldn't even do that?


I smiled trying to disregard all of that, "So your an art student?" Why was I still talking to him?

He glared at me, "What gave it away?" He scoffed.

I thought it was obvious, "The email. It told me I would be sharing a room with an art student. What's your name?"

He laughed to himself. Ohhhh, the sketchbook was meant to be the giveaway. I don't get jokes ok?

"I'm Kylo and you must be a history student right?" I nodded. He looked me up and down (awfully judgementally I must say) then he mumbled to himself so it was barely audible, "posh twat."

"Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief. I mean wow, say that behind my back to your friends while your off crying to some shit music but not to my face.

"You heard me."

"Fine, be like that." I huffed and put my suitcase and bags down onto my bed. That's when I promised myself something ; to never talk to him, ever (unless I really needed to).

I unpacked. It took a lot longer than I expected, especially when all I could hear was his goddam pencil scratching at paper. It was so infuriating. Usually I don't get mad, but it's the little insufferable things (call them bad habits if you must) that really make me livid.

I looked down at the time, 9:30 pm, I decided to call my mum since I hadn't spoken to her since I left this morning. I knew she would worry. I didn't really want to call her while he was in the room but I had no other choice. So I leaned against the headboard of my bed and phoned her.

She picked up in a matter of seconds. I held my phone to my ear and heard her excitement, "Oh it's my baby boy!" she exclaimed. I smiled.

"I'm good, how are you?" I asked. I could hear our cat purring in the background.

"No no! You don't want to hear about me, tell me all about you! What were classes like?"

"Mum your saying this as if I wasn't at college last year. I have been before." I laughed to myself.

"Yes I know I know but I just want to know." I could hear her smile though the phone.

"Well if you have to know, classes haven't even started yet. They start next week, i'll update you then don't worry." I felt his eyes on me. Piss off, I'm on call with my mum. Sorry yours doesn't love you.

"Oh, I didn't realise, so how's your new roommate? Is he nice? Is he cool? Is he hot?" oh. Please don't.

"My roommate, he's uh- fine." I heard him stifle his laughter. I sucked in a breath to avoid throwing something at him. That most likely wouldn't end up well for me though. Mans got arms.

"Are you sure? You don't sound to sure about that." Thank god she's not on speaker.

I spoke between my teeth, "Yes mum, I'm sure."

"Ok, we'll call me soon, I miss you, love you Armitage."

"I will, love you." I smiled and she hung up.

I heard (what's his name again? Kylo? Yeah Kylo.). I heard Kylo laugh to himself, "Mommas boy huh?" Usually I would retort and go to my defence but I was too tried to do anything so I ignored him and went straight to bed. "Suit yourself then." He laughed again.

I'm so sick of his shit already.

962 words

so, new story. if you came from my previous story... why?

anyway updates will be slower than my last story as i'm back at school.

If you have any ideas for chapters feel free to comment them here (you will be credited)

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