Chapter 15- Need

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CW: Slight mentions of blood and beating up (not graphic)
Hux's pov:

After a week I went back to classes ; they told me I should stay off longer but I refused (I couldn't stand to miss anymore). As I walked into my history class everyone went silent. I guess they'd heard then. I ignored them all and sat down. Andrew glared at me?

It wasnt like a hateful glare. More like a jealous glare or a smirky glare. I don't know, you think I can read expressions?

I kept myself to myself, I didn't speak all lesson, I couldn't deal with it. Eventually though we were told to discuss something with our partner. The first thing Andrew said to me was, "God I didn't realise you would try to kill yourself over that video." I didn't want to talk about it, so I didn't respond. "I mean I knew leaking the video was a risk but-" He scoffed.

"What?! You were responsible for that. I questioned louder than I would have wanted. He nodded arrogantly. My blood was boiling, but I had no idea what to do. I fantasised about smashing his ugly square against the wall, but I decided against it.  "Why would you do that? You are an awful person!"

He shrugged, "I was jealous I suppose. I wanted you all for myself. It was that or, I humiliate you. I couldn't bare seeing you with him."

I stood up and slapped him. I stood up and slapped him!!! God that felt good. "Rot in hell you piece of shit!"

Mr. Grambs remained silent the entire time. Everyone did. They might have all been afraid of sending me over the brink once more. Fearful of the harm I might cause to myself. I don't know, maybe they assumed I'd try to kill myself again.

"Yeah?" he retorted, "Well at least Im not a fucking whore who sleeps around with anyone he can get!" everyone gasped at his response. Everyone had berms o careful with me and then there was him.

"Mr Tashi, thats enough please leave Mr Hux alone." Mr Grambs said unamused. He sounded bored.

I mouthed to Mr Grambs, Can I move seats? He nodded and I got up and moved right to the back. As I left my seat though, I heard Andrew mutter, "Whore."

I rolled my eyes and sat down in my new seat.

Time skip brought to you by Adam Driver on SNL


I stormed into my dorm, "It was Adam Tashi! He recorded and spread the video!"

Kylo looked up at me, "What?!" He looked fucking angry. I nodded. "I thought he was my friend. That piece of shit! Oh what I'm going to do to him. Give me a few minutes." He said and stood up.

"What are you-" I was cut off by the door slamming. What was going on?

Twenty minuets later he walked back through the door. He had a bruise on his eye and his hand was covered in blood. Not his blood though.

I looked up horrified (it was kinda hot though) "What did you do?"

He ignored the question, "He wont talk to you ever again. He might of even treated you like a god if I did a bit more damage. On his knees begging like a dog."

I laughed to myself. I hugged him. I actually hugged him. It was lovely. He was stunned at first but then he relaxed and hugged back. I thought about kissing him while I hugged him. I thought about it all the time though. I want him. I need him. I want him to hold me longer. I want him to kiss me like he needed it to survive.

I pulled away, "Now go have a shower! Remember to rinse of the side as well, Im not having my shower stained red and smelling of blood."

He smiled, "Yes yes, Im going."

I sat there thinking for a while. Of everything that had happened over the past couple of weeks. It was eventful. 

I uttered something I probably haven't said in a while as he came back into the room: "Thank you." I moved cautiously towards him. Before I could back out, I gave him a thank-you kiss on the cheek.

His face was bright red but he smiled. 

741 words
'Whoahhh bro. That was awfully fruit' I hear you saying.'

NO! Normalise kissing the homies.

Quiet love ~ KyluxTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang