part 1

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An innocent and beautiful prince named kim taehyung who is 22 years old, loves to write, sing, and play guitar he loves brown, and is aesthetic..
He always likes to be in his own world....
He is  only son of king kim namjoon who is very kind to his people and queen kim seokjin who treats all the people like are their own blood.. .
The prince


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The king
Kim namjoon

44. Years old

Father of kim taehyung

Father of kim taehyung______________________________________

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Kim seokjin
Ther queen

Mother of kim taehyung

Wife of kim namjoon

42 years old

42 years old______________________________________

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Park jimin

Best friend of kim taehyung

He lives in taehyung's Royal palace

He was lost and then king and queen found him and thought to addopt him
Since then taehyung and jimin are best friends

Has a crush on taehyung's cousin who also lives with them because his parents are dead

He is 23



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Min yoongi

Cousin brother of tae

25 years old

Parents: died

Has a lost sibling

Loves jimin

Cold in nature

Respect king and queen like their own parents

Respect king and queen like their own parents______________________________________

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Jeon jungkook

170 years old but looks  25

Has a cute face for whom anyone can fall

Whipped, obsessed, in love with taehyung and his angelic voice

Lives on tree in tae's palace which is beside tae's room

Has only one friend named min yoongi

He has his own castle under that tree

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