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" Stop there. Who are you? "

Taehyung ducked his head down unable to meet the gaze of the General.

" Are you a thief ?"

Taehyung shook his head fervently in fear but internally felt surprised at the stupidity of the question. No General would ask a theif whether he is a thief and no thief would affirm if he is one.

"Mr Kim." Another pale foot joined the General's pair of boots.
The name had tantalised his senses.

'Mr.Kim' ,he also has the same first name. People would never call him with such respect. Sometimes he pinned for others to address him by that name except from an angry Madame. Then again, he hates it because he is an orphan and that reminds him of his abandoned childhood.

When he got carried away with his own thoughts, the two men were conversing about the dazzled boy in front of them.

Suddenly Madame joined them and a visible scowl appeared on her face when she saw Taehyung.

" Who is this young lad, Miss?" The pale soldier asked to which Madame clawed at the boy's shoulders painfully and said "a servant "

Both of them made an "Oh" with a pitiful expression.

"General would be most probably spending his time in the gallery. Therefore we came to check in with the facilities." One of them said.

It was then Taehyung looked at their faces. The 'General' which he believed to be was as tall as the silhouette of the actual General he had witnessed and that might have served as the reason for the misunderstanding. The man in front of him is good looking with a swirl of dimples adorning his cheeks and emits a mixture of friendly and strict aura around him.

A sudden jut of relief washed over him when he realized General hadn't spotted and black marked him in the first day itself.

With the purpose of breaking his relief, Madame introduced Taehyung to them and also proposed to let him stay in front of the gallery for the whole night if in case General needs something.

Mr Kim might have sensed the exhaustion in the boy's drooping eyes or the subtle growling of his stomach or the blood clotted lips which eventually prodded him to tell Madame to dismiss the boy to his bed after dinner.

Since it was not in her power to cross the words of the man, she dismissed Taehyung to the kitchen to eat the bits and pieces.

When he reached the kitchen, he could hear the giggles of women and boasting uproars of men from the dining area. Through the cracks of the door, he tried to look for the enigma of a General but failed when he saw the jewel studded chair empty.

"Taehyung-aah, where were you? Did you have lunch ?" A soothing voice called out to him from behind.

His tired arms wrapped over the old lady who gifted him a sweet teethless smile.

" I had fruits from the forest, kimchima." He lied in an attempt not to make her worry.

" Oh I can see that in your eyes. Come and have some soup. I hid some pieces of steamed meat for you. Eat before someone comes." Kimchima offered a bowl of soup and meat which he devoured animously.

Kimchima is an elderly woman and the head of the servant quarters. She was the wife of a healer and came to the orphanage after his death and stayed with children as their caretaker since years. Kimchima is someone who is closest to a motherly figure for Taehyung. He often argues that the 'Kim' in his name actually came from his kimchima.

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