¹¹ Truth

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It is true when the folks say, nothing escapes from the hawk eyes of General Jeon Jungkook.

In his first day in the camp, he was restless. Therefore he decided to leave its premises and stroll in the wilderness. He came across the river and decided to take a dip. But before going into the water, he thought it would be better to put some oil on his body so he went to get some.

On his return, he found a dog sleeping on the entrance which wasn't there when he came at first. He came close to the dog and roamed his fingers through its fur. It's a domestic dog that was thrown in the wilderness. It's fur is groomed but is full of mud and entangled leaves.

The dog opened its eyes and without a reaction, slept further, laying his head on Jungkook's palm. He sat there for a while and it was then he heard the splashing sound from the enclosed river side.

Since it was early in the morning he simply believed it would be one of his soldiers, therefore he went to have a peek at that person.

His legs rooted on the ground when he saw a boy or a girl which he dismissed further because of the lack of possibility of a female to be emerging out of the water at this time without assistance. That person whose sexuality cannot be pinned intrigued his shock bidden eyes. He was naked, with no clothing or a piece of thread to cover.

The gleaming moonlit fell on the other's pale honey skin and looked ethereal with the water dripping from the body. His hungry unsatiated eyes traced the other's round globes. It is undoubtedly boobs, he declared. The brown nipples invited his attention solely on them. He can only look once on the other's glistening pussy as he was remembered of his own hardness.

Jungkook felt like he is violating the other's privacy so he retreated with his heartbeat violating its normal frequency.

Then again Jungkook was restless, he wanted to talk to the other person. So he waited. His excitement took all the senses from him and he accidently stepped on the dog's tail that resulted in its barking. He carried the dog away and calmly placed it on another area to sleep which the dog comfortably complied.

When he returned, he spot the silhouette running away from him. In complete vexation, he called out to that person to stop going away from him. When the person turned, General Jeon Jungkook yet again witnessed the most ethereal creature God has ever been created.

He was eager to know the ' boy ' which he confirmed from the mannerisms. It was then, the boy told about who he is and Jungkook complimented for his choice of mud which the former had already turned fond of. Jungkook eagerly asked about his age as he didn't want to admit he has fallen in trance for a minor. His mind visibly eased when he heard the boy was eighteen.

The request to put oil on his body was a cheap trick to get him closer, to see him from close. Jungkook couldn't dismiss the sweet vanilla scent emitting from his soft body.

" Kim Taehyung." His tongue grazed his teeth in a chant.

" Your all wishes will come true." He whispered knowing the meaning of the name.

With every swirl of his fingers on his body, Jungkook became more and more hard. When Taehyung accidently brushed on his length, Jungkook looked aghast mimicking the expression of the boy as well. He suddenly dismissed the boy and tried to stay put.

It was then became a daily routine for Jungkook to come and guard the door when Taehyung takes bath, knowing the boy has put the dog to guard for specific reasons. He never peeked at him again out of respect and courtesy even though his mind's desire was hard to control.

Day by day, Jungkook wanted to revel in the boy's presence. He would find excuse to look at him or call him to his gallery. It was in one of those moments he noticed the gift given by Jimin to Taehyung and knowing he had lost it, Jungkook presented him with another gown to go the flower festival.

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