Chapter 21-A Village of Peace

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When they reached the port city, the first thing they saw was the street full of busy and happy people.
All of them were smiling or laughing.
In some marketplaces, some customers and shopowners were arguing and bargaining, but that, too, was the part of joy and peace filling up this town.
Then Kyle looked up to see the word placed high above the gate entrance of the town.
In order to keep the security, the entrance had gates attatched to it, but, as if this town's people are all open-hearted, the gate was also widely opened.
Confused and relaxed, four children moved into the crowds of the marketplace.
Since they got themselves filled up from the Aureum Village, they didn't need anything for now.
They could see all kinds of people among the crowds.
People with wings or tail, or with animals' ears, such diverse beasts, and also...people looking exactly like humans, elves, and sometimes, people with wings like butterflies, fairies.
Four children were also hearing such diverse voices....
"Fresh nuts! fresh nuts, just picked from the woods! roasted for free!"
"Some goods found from the distant towns! some even found from the bottom of the sea!"
"Hand made machines! papers abling to chase the pests away!"
"Items blessed with fairies' blessing! each able to use specific elements!"
"..I'd like to buy one of those." muttered Emily.
"What?" replied Kyle.
"One of those...element item stuffs."
"What? but why would you?"
"..While all three of you're fighting and all, I couldn't do anything! I'm completely useless....last time, I was even sick, I was never able to help any of you."
"Oh...don't say that, Emily! even if not in fighting, you were a help to us in many ways! wasn't it, guys?" interrupted September.
"Of course!"
"Yes. don't try to blame yourself like that, Emily."
Then they were continuing to walk through the marketplace, until September spotted something and suddenly stopped.
"Hey! isn't that person looking exactly like Saven? y'know, that crow kid back there in Pecus..."
"Ah, raven girl? now that you mention that...that woman has wings and...looks a lot like her!"
"Indeed. only her eye colors are different."
"I'm going to talk to her! y'know, maybe she's Saven's relative and wants to hear about her?"
"Is that necessary..? what if she's some random raven beast?" queried Emily.
"Haha, even so! wouldn't she be glad if we buy something in exchange for an apology?"
"Anyways! let's go!"
So four of them-although one of them reluctantly-headed to that marketplace which was selling some goods like accesories, and the raven woman had spotted children.
"Hello, it's a good day, isn't it?"
"Ah..yes, ma'am." said Kyle.
"Oh, I see that you're not Cloudsville villagers, are you?"
"Yeah....we're not. actually, we're travellers!"
"Travellers?? how amazing! where have you been before you came here?"
"We circled many places, actually....ah, and-"
"We came from Maga Village, Ventus City, Aureum Desert, and Pecus Place! now that I mention that, do you happen to know raven beast named Saven? she's our friend!"
"Yeah! in fact, I'm originally from there!"
"Oh..right. happen to know her..."
"Right? are you her relative?"
"....Why,....yes. we are...families, indeed."
"That's great! although you hadn't asked, I thought you wanted to know whether she's well, so, she's fine! well and all...did you know she can fly even higher than the dragon kid staying there as well? you looked a lot like her, so we figured that you are her relative!"
"Really? you really think that she looks alot like me?"
"Huh..? y..yeah!" ('Geez, she's excited all of a sudden.')
And everyone was suddenly surprised to see that the woman was crying. she was shedding tears from her green eyes.
"*sniff* I'm...I'm sorry, my dear...." she wiped the tears away, and smiled.
"I'm..just so glad that my daughter's well."
"Wait..daughter?! are you...are you her mother??" exclaimed Emily all of a sudden.
"Oh, yes....I'm so glad to meet you all here...I never expected this sort of a meeting."
"We neither." said September.
"Did you say you're from Pecus Place?"
"Ur...yes. and this kid's from Maga Village. since I stayed in Maga Village for some times, we're literally best friends."
"And those other two are...."
"Actually, they're humans from another world! we're travelling to collect magical crystals to send them back home!"
"From another world! I'm so surprised...."
And Kyle and Emily both were surprised to find out that this woman didn't judge them immediately just because they were humans.
"Well..this is such an extraordinary case....oh, I know! I think it's best for you to go to Mr.M!"
"Yes! he's a lighthouse-keeper and also a chief of this village! he's a fairy originally from Maga Village, so he might know about your situation and help you!"
"Ah, that's great! thank you so much, ma'am! now, guys! we must go to Mr.M right now-"
"Oh, no! wait, children, it's dusk now, and Mr.M will not be able to see you until tomorrow morning for lighthouse-keeping job!"
"Oh! then....what are we going to do now?"
Just then, Kyle's stomach rang for hunger, and everyone in Saven's mother's stall looked at him.
"Oh, haha! why don't you children stay over at our house tonight?"
"What? but...would it be okay? after all, we're totally outsiders-"
"Nonsense! if you're our daughter's friend, then you're our friends as well, and it would be unacceptable to make your friends spend their night on the street!"
"Ah...haha...okay, then! thank you and we'll excuse ourselves!" replied Kyle.

The Land of LDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ