Chapter 29-Entries

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They arrived at the Black Island by riding Windy.
And from the beach where they arrived, they could know right away why this place was named 'Black Island'.
They couldn't be so sure, but a strange black substances just like Black slimes' skins or the oil which Oceana Bien was covered of were spread around place to place on the beach.
Seeing omnious substances, Miru and Raska were asking carefully to four of their friends whether they're sure of staying here.
But four travellers said yes, and thanked them for helping them get here.
So Raska and Miru left, and four of them were seeing black substances around the beach.
It wasn't true that four friends were not scared after seeing this, so they decided to build their temporary base on the beach, which was at least at the front of the danger lurking in the woods.
They found a small cave, and put their packages down there, and Emily was staying there with her trustable metal cutting board.
Then others were searching around the beach to look for anyone there, and after finding out that no one was on this island, for what they saw now, they stayed in the cave and ate some of their food supplies.
And they discovered that there were faint lighting crystals in the cave, and with the green light of those crystals, they were relaxed for a moment.
Then they discussed about what to do next, so they decided to split up to two teams, and one of them stays in cave, and another team goes into the woods to look for crystals, or any supplies, or people.
So it was decided that Emily and September would stay behind, and Kyle and S.S. to move forward.
So they went into the woods with only the necessary supplies, and left.

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"S.S., have you found anything there?"
"...I found berries."
"Umm....okay, that edible?"
To be honest, Kyle was feeling very uncomfortable right now.
It was true that four of them grew their bond and partnerships more stronger by going through this trip, but S.S. was still not an easy person to have a smooth conversations.
At least, for Kyle, she would answer the questions or join the conversations only with replies at the question or the word she hears, she didn't seem like someone to express her own thoughts.
Sure, at many places, she expresses her own thoughts and actions, but mostly by barging to the enemy to fight, or only when she's alone.
And she would express her helpful suggestions when they needs to discuss some things, but in a daily lives, she was...well, almost wordless.
So Kyle wanted to make sure to be helpful and not make her uncomfortable just like when four of them are together.
Besides, him and Emily were literally receiving help from S.S. and September! to offer first to follow them on their grueling journey and help them--that's not easy for everyone to do that!
" do you think Emily and September will be doing like?"
"They'll be fine."
"Oh! ahaha...well, uh...I haven't found anything about crystals about you?"
"Me neither."
"Uhm...I'll go just a little more over there! how about you search over..uh..there! where there's a tree with mushrooms on it?"
"Yeah! um..then see you later!"
Then they were back at their searchings.....

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"Hey,Em...aren't you bored?"
"Don't what? I didn't say anything wrong-"
"You're literally asking that questions 18th times!! that's so annoying, you know?!"
"Crapes..fine, fine. eesh."
"Hey, hey Em!"
"What now..."
"Just wanna know suddenly, what kind of a kid you are back at home?"
" you wanna know? well...I'm...pretty much average? normal, not much different from others. going to with Kyle and my parents back at home..."
"A 'normal' kid to smash a doorknob of a palace with the metal cutting board...I see."
"Hey, that's not like it! it's just, ugh. I was sick about everything lunging into troubles here, okay? if me and Kyle hadn't fallen into that stupid hole, we wouldn't have even gotten here!"
" don't like it here?"
"If I liked it here, then what's the point of collecting crystals?? get real, for god's sake."
"..Huh.'s your mother like?"
"Why do you ask..."
"Um...just wanna know? please.."
"...Ugh. fine. well, mom's...always nice to us. most people says that I look just like my mom, and...she always treats me and Kyle nicely, we do love her. but...most times, we spend most of our days at school, then at school clubs. come to think of it, I didn't even spend that many times with Kyle, being in different grades and clubs. it's been...a long while since I spent some time with him."
"I see....."
"Well,'s your folks like? like, your family?"
"Oh..I don't know. ever since I knew...I was took in under King Blue's protections with other guys, and....after I left Pecus, I've lived with S.S. and Ms.Gray."
Just then, Emily remembered a story which King Blue had mentioned to her back at Pecus.
About September...

'Josh and September had received help from humans, when they became orphans by humans' hands.'

".....Hey, I'm sorry."
"Huh? suddenly? why?"
"No, nothing. it's just.....well, are you...okay with travelling with us?"
"Hm? why would I not be fine? I like you guys, and you're all my friends! I'm totally fine."
"..Yeah....thanks. then."

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"Phew...well, I believe I'm done for now..."
Although in fact I had never found any clues about crystals.... he thought to himself.
But at least he had collected enough edibles for himself and his friends.
And he headed back to find S.S.
"S.S.?" he called.
Then S.S. showed up with armfuls of edibles gathered up on her arms, and some bright things were around her.
And her head and clothes were covered with mud and brownish stains.
"Eh?? S.S., are you okay??"
"What's...those bright things around you? and...did you got into the swamp?"
"Yeah. I found a swamp, and I nearly fell into it."
"'Nearly'..?" he muttered. "Ah, anyways, what's that bright things?"
"They're Priers..."
"Some spirits of lights...they're not harmful, though."
"Um..okay? but why are they gathered around you?"
"...Because I nearly fell into 'their' swamp...I think they're concerned of me."
"Ah, well...shall we go now, then?"
S.S. looked a bit upset, her hair and clothes messed up of swamp muds, and Kyle was feeling uncomfortable and stuffy over S.S.'s attitude.
So he decided to suggest something to her.
"Yeah, Kyle?"
"How try to talk more..uh..naturally? I mean, not that it's weird of the way you're talking..."
"..Then what's 'Naturally' like?"
Kyle was deep in a consideration as he thought and walked back to the beach with S.S.....
"Mm...why don't you try your own thoughts and opinions, and..feelings! right, feelings more in the way you talk?"
"..Such as..?"
"Like..if you're tired or sick, you can just tell us! we're friends, so we can listen! or..if you have any worries, you can tell us! well, that is...if you're scared or embarassed, then you can only tell one of us, and ask to keep it secret if you like...that is, I think what most matters is your 'Own thoughts and feelings'!"

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That night, after they briefly cooked the newly found edibles, and after Emily made Kyle stay in cave and go to sleep to not let him see S.S. swimming with September and Emily at ocean, they took swim in the ocean.
"Emily, how's this really going to work?"
"Oh, keep quiet! something might get into your mouth!"
"W...why do I have to get in,too? and that's an ocean water!"
"I thought you like fishes, Sep?"
"Well, I hunt them from the rivers, but I'm not even hunting right now!"
"Yeah, we're not hunting! but you seriously smell awful! you didn't even take a shower ever since you left Maga Village!"
"Yeah! so this time, you're taking shower, no matter what you says!"
"Wha-no way! it doesn't matter whether I smell a little, does it??"
"It matters. so come here right now, or I'll make you!"
"No! seriously, no!! I'm a cat, you know?? and our 'essence' is that we hate waters!!"
"............" Emily thought for a moment, then got an idea.
"Oh no! there's a snake over there!"
While September turned around, Emily had pulled Sep's tail to bring her into the water.
"Phew!! what in the name of spirits, Emily Riverside!!" screamed September.
"Sep, relax. calm down."
"No, I can't!! how could you trick me like that!! I'm really disappointed-"
"Hey, good news. you're not drowning."
"Don't cut in! what I'm trying to say is-wait what?"
"Yeah. you're not drowning. you can swim, and besides, this is a shallow water."
"Congrats, Sep."
"Uh-right! right, see, I just overcame my fears! ha!"
"Yeah, yeah, sure...." muttered Emily.
And S.S. smiled slightly, then suddenly, her smile turned into cries of laughter.
That was a broad laughter, and since that was almost first time for girls to hear S.S. laugh like that, they laughed with her, and ended up to wash S.S.'s mud covered hair and get out of the ocean water.

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Next morning, Kyle and S.S. went out again to look for anything, and this time, Kyle found a strange rusty metal door on the ground.
It was painted brown in an attempt to hide the door, but the paint was mostly worn off.
"A door?"
"..This looks suspicious." S.S. put in after following Kyle.
"Yeah..what do you think we should do? go in?"
"..Maybe, but first, let me make something. this might take some moments, so wait a bit."
And after half an hour, S.S. returned with a long rope made of vines with her.
That was really long like a climbing rope sold at mall or climbing gear shops back at home, and once again Kyle admired S.S.'s amazing skills.
Then after S.S. tied the rope tightly around a nearby stump, they got down.
Underneath, there wasn't much things. it was a very small room, but it was so dark, they couldn't see.
So S.S. got the small Prier's vines bud from her pocket, and placed it onto the ground with bit of an earth from her edibles around it's roots.
Then it soon lit up the dark room and Kyle and S.S. saw an old closet with clothes mostly covered in molds,cobwebs and dusts.
They were also sure that the closet's drawers were so old, it would be impossible and most unwanted jobs to open them.
And a foldable ladder was placed beside the closet, but since the ladder was metal, despite its rusts, it was still usable.
There was also a small table and chair, most likely that it was used for single person, and there was an old lantern hanging above the table from the ceiling.
On the table, there were many documents and papers scattered around, with some damp puddles on the ground with mud and dusts covering them.
Kyle picked a documents up and read some of them right next to Priar's vine, and he found out that he could read them.
It was written in humans' english language, and whoever wrote this also seemed like a human, as well.
This is how it went....

Entry #1:
It seems that this island is suitable for humankinds to reside newly...
Even after the war effect, this deserted island was kept safe.
We named this place, 'Black Island' personally.
That's because of this place's rich dark soil.
If here, then we would be able to grow new crops and tame new stocks.
Very promising...but we have yet more things to find out.

Entry #12:
We discovered and sorted out most edible plants and posionous ones of Black Island.
Also, most LDians are not interested in this island, so we can test the animals and insects of this island as well.
Dr. Jones was laughing today to say that LDians were foolish to abandon such promising island and decides to live in a place barren as a deset...but I don't really agree to that.
It's been a twelveth day since we came here....can't wait to go back to my family.
I miss them already.

Entry #16:
Today, Dr.Jones and Dr. Stevenson discovered a strange object from the woods.
It looked like a was covered in mud for digging out of the woods.
It has a rhombus shape, but in full forms, it's a perfectly made 3-dimension rhombus form.
It has the color like a honey, and we concluded that the thing must be having some magical powers sealed in it.
It seems that our time of staying on Black Island is getting to become longer....we can't wait to test it.

"S.S., it seems like some essays of scientists who visited this island..and they wrote something about crystal, too! it's a yellow one."
"Really..? uh...but,what's a scientist?"
"'s some humans who search new things from creatures and natures! it seemed like humans of this world was interested in life cycle of LDian animals, or plants!"
"'s different from elves like Blossom and Nancy."
"Yeah..a lot different."
" let's continue to read."

Entry #24
We can't believe it.
We just discovered that yellow rhombus's magic is to prosper any alive things around it.
That is, that doesn't include creatures with thoughts and personalities, but of creatures like plants or animals!
This crystal was the real reason of the prosperity of black soils in this island!
If we take it to Southern land, then we would be making a grand history..but..I don't feel right of taking this away.
After all, this crystal was originally belonged to the soil of LD...we can't just steal them.
Not after all that efforts of war.
But...other scientists are seeming to laugh at my opinions.
Should I just follow this? isn't it wrong?

Entry #31
This is desperate.
This is desperate.
This is desperate.....
No, I've got to get back to myself...think about my wife, my sons.
I'll finish writing.
First, I realized that I've lost the entries between 26th and 30th.
So I'll explain again to those people who might be reading this right now.
We discovered that we're not the only people residing in Black Island.
Dr.Jones just told us at 27th day that he saw the strange man wearing a blue armor.
He tried to approach him, but when he followed him, he disappeared in the middle of the woods.
According to Jones, he was saying that the man didn't seem like any other species of people residing in LD.
Most likely human...but something ominous about him.
Something...unexplanably dark.
And also, Stevenson disappeared near a swamp at 29th day.
And Jones and I discovered that....element 'spirits' of the island had dragged Stevenson into the swamp and killed him.....
We had heard before that spirits were some creatures different from any other species of LD.
They don't have the forms, physical bodies like us or other kinds, but more like ghosts of the each elements.
According to what we saw and heard, there were spirits of Water,Lightning and 'Form' for each of them.
There were three of them.
They haven't discovered me or my emergency hiding place yet...but Lightning is searching for me by crashing storm lighting over the woods, and Water have been causing tsunamies and heavy rains which washed the woods out and made swamp overflow.
But the most dangerous one of them is 'Form.'
Form can change the shape and mental states of alive beings, and control them like his puppets.
Jones was killed by Form....yesterday. so 30th day by getting his body changed and twisted....
No, I'd rather not write about that from here.
Fortunately, by staying here for whole days, I'm keeping myself alive yet.
But...I don't know whether I'll last more, or that I can leave and survive this.
And see my family again....

Kyle saw that the writing after that was blurred by the tear marks streaked onto the paper, but he could still see some faint writings.
It was about the crystal.
It said,

'By the way, the crystal is gone. I've mistakenly th--------------------..h while running away, and I'm not sure whether those evil spirits had also found it.
And....I'm st----------------- maybe I'm losing me...look for us......please...may god save us....'

Kyle felt horrified and extremely sad as he read, and wondered whether this scientist survived.
From his entries, it seemed that those spirits were dangerous.
But...they also seemed different from the spirits they saw earlier.
After he heard from Raska and Miru at Cindra and Cole's house,
He got to know that Shade and Death Fire appeared at Ventus City's ruin and Sally the Salamandra, and also the Priers which S.S. dragged with her yesterday were all spirits.
But they were all harmless and friendly.....but why would these spirits do this to them?
...And also, by the blurred markings, Kyle and his friends still didn't know where the crystal was.
So Kyle, fetching all documents and leaving with S.S, who decided to take the folding ladder, thought about one thing while they were walking back to the beach.
If this documents were kept long enough to make everything about that room inside out rusty and dust-covered,

....Then where are those spirits now..?

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