Chapter 4 - Mountains

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The silence is deafening. Since we left my village, not a word has been spoken and I've just kept my head down. I don't want to talk to Legion, talking to him feels like betraying myself. Like I'm somehow accepting the situation, and even if I understand the necessity of it all, I'm far too stubborn to speak up. Besides I don't know what to say.

His four men are now walking a bit in front of us, as if to protect their king by going first or perhaps just to give us privacy, I'm not sure, but I'm leaning towards the first seeing as Legion has yet to utter another word to me.

I've started to analyze the men. The one who appears to be the leader of the four, outside of Legion of course, has brown reddish hair, I've deducted that he might be the beta. Another is blonde and the two others are brunettes, one having a lighter shade than the other. They're all of similar build, by that I mean everyone of them has a clear strength as I'm guessing you'd need a good physique to be able to travel so far, but they all vary in height.

I know that the kingdom is far north, and although we're part of the north I'm still guessing the trip will take at least a week, and that's counting running in wolf form... which I cannot do.

But like I said the silence is just excruciating. I try to focus on my feet as they leave their usual prints in the snow and as my dress drags along. I'm wearing my red dress with my red hood as I didn't have time to change it, which I now regret as I remember the small rips in it but also the very obvious color amongst the white snow. You never know what you might encounter this deep into the forest. I've never gone this far. I've never even been this far away from my village.

I sneak peaks at Legion every now and then throughout our walk, every time I look, I see him looking straight only appearing focused on the journey ahead. I begin to wonder if I'm even wanted here. It seems like I'm air to him. I mean I might as well not be here with how invisible I appear to him. I don't know what I expect from him but I know that the uncertainty of it all has sparked immense discomfort within me. Before he'd hold me so I wouldn't run away but now it seems he couldn't care less if I did. Or maybe he knows I've got nowhere to run.

Five hours of nonstop walking passes as well as the silence between us and Legion looks over his shoulder to where I've begun to slack behind. Not because I'm physically tired but because placing that small distance between us makes it feel like I've got more privacy to myself, even if I know it's not the case.

"Are you tired?" He speaks up for the first time since we left.

I peak my head up surprised that I'm finally being spoken to, but still feeling my stubborn side weigh on me, I simply mumble, "I'm fine." Which is true, physically I'm fine, perks of having an unnatural amount of power, but mentally I am very close to shutting down. It's all a lot to take in and I dread the inevitable time it'll all finally dawn on me.

Just as the words leave my mouth I notice the forest coming to an end and instead we're greeted by large mountains.

I've seen mountains before from my village on days where it wasn't foggy, but never up-close. The sight is truly impressive and I have to fight the instinct to open my mouth. The mountains are covered in snow, just like everything else in the north, and they almost look like ice mountains as it's hard to see any rock at all.

"Good because we're going over." Legion says now looking dead ahead with his head and back turned to me.

Going over?!

My eyes widen and I stop in my tracks. "Going over? As in over the mountains!? Are we not going around?" I hurriedly respond in a stressed tone.

A Deadly Bond Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora