Chapter 19 - Enchanted

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I wasn't sure if it was anger that had filled my body with warmth or that funny liquid, but either way, my body was overheating. My face had, without a doubt, reddened.

Lunch was spend drinking the burning liquid while observing Legion and Cathrine talking from afar. He clearly didn't have any issues giving her attention yet I still hadn't been granted even an ounce of it. It bothered me immensely, the ever growing frustration intensifying with each sip.

I couldn't pinpoint what they were talking about as it seemed to be two entirely different conversations depending on who you looked at. Cathrine would often laugh and exaggerate every other reaction. Whereas Legion's face revealed little to no information but nothing indicated that it was a fun conversation. His face was bleak and emotionless.

I tried to distract myself with the pain from the bitter liquid but around my fifth cup, I realized that it did nothing and only really seemed to make me watch Legion more shamelessly.

To be completely honest time began to blur together and soon enough lunch was long over and I had somehow teleported to Legions room where I had been dressed in the final dress. A dark red one with long sleeves ending in a sharp point on my hand.

Marisas voice sounded distant as she spoke to me through the mirror and her face even looked more unclear than usual. The more I tried to focus the funnier it all got. Her eyes moved slowly apart and then back together, for some reason this odd sight didn't disturb me. I couldn't contain my laugh. This day sure was getting strange.

Marisas ever moving eyes squinted and she turned me around to face her. After a quick scan of my face she turned to Elye and said something. All I could make out over my giggles was the word water. Within a second a cup was placed in my hand.

I took a sip without much thought, this time the liquid was bland, without a sting to it. In other words, boring.


In a blink of an eye I was in another room, this one was dark and it took me a moment to realize that I was in front of The Great King Octavius, startled I moved backwards but instantly tripped on the long fabric of my dress and landed with a loud thud on the cold marble floor. I expected a pain to shoot through me but it was dulled for some reason. How did I end up in here again?

Octavius looked just as terrifying as last time I had been in the room. It had become dark outside but the moon was shinning through the floor to ceiling window, causing the shadow of his hard statue to stretch in an almost lively manner towards me. I began crawling backwards in a frenzy, wondering where Marisa and her mate had gone in this moment of need.

I stopped scrambling backwards as something touched my back. I looked up and saw familiar red tinted hair, Finley. History was repeating. His face was hard to make out as it was upside down, or perhaps I was?

Before I could ponder that any further, he stepped around me until he was in front of me, my eyes following his movement. He reached a hand out in front of me. "Care for a hand?" His voice sounded further away than it should be but I still caught the amusement dancing in it.

I grabbed his hand harsher than I intended and he responded by pulling me to my feet, I stumbled as I tried to keep my balance though eventually succeeding. Finley side-eyed me as I tried to steady myself. "Have you been drinking" He questioned without even letting a minute pass between us.

"Haven't we all?" What a strange question.

Finleys eyes did the same as Marisas and squinted while doing a once-over of me. "I suppose we have." He spoke the words with uncertainty. Finley sure is a strange fella, I noted. His usual amused grin was gone and replaced by alerted eyes.

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