Part 2 Interogation

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Zed's POV

"Great idea separating the aliens, Principal Lee." Addison dad said.

Principal Lee let out an amused chuckle "Not my first time dealing
with spacey teens."

Bucky fearfully said "They're probably here to clone me to create an unstoppable cheer force." He smirked "I mean, who wouldn't want more me?"

Addison father sighed "Well, they're uninvited and have to leave."

"But we invited everyone to our Cheer Off to compete for the Seabrook Cup." Addison, my girlfriend, complained sadly.

Bucky scoffed at her "Um...You can't just give away my bling."

She turned to him sternly "I don't intend to lose." She turned to me pleadingly "And I always believed that cheer could bring people together. Maybe even worlds together."

"Or tear our worlds apart." Bucky reminded her "Mark my words, these aliens are here to take what's ours."

Suddenly I screamed as I felt someone pat my shoulder "Okay."

I relaxed when I just saw one of the aliens. He smiled at me "Greetings. Can I find my sister or did you want me to continue waiting alone?"

Addisons father and Principal Lee stuttered amongst themselves.
"Uh, I think that would be...That's... I could... Yes., yes."

The alien nodded "Very well." He held up the handcuffs and lock "Shall I redon your ceremonial jewellery and rewire your door panel?"

"That would be dynamite. Yeah." I told him awkwardly.

"Ridic..." Principal Lee muttered "Yes, please."

"Oh! May you find harmony." He said walking away.

"Maybe the Werewolves are having better luck with the other one." I told the group.

A-lya's POV

Willa slammed her hands down on the table in front of me "Listen Blue-hair tell us why you're here."

I shrugged carelessly "Like we said we want to cheer"

She crossed her arms and glared at me "I don't believe it for a second."

"Believe it or not that's our reason wolfie" I teased.

Willa growled and went to scratch me but activated my force field which stung her.

The wolves growled but I just smiled "Yeah my brothers a bit overprotective. The force field was a bit over the top ,don't you think"

A boy with black and white hair chuckled quietly. Willa scoffed and let him try.

He smiled and sat down in front of me "Hey I'm Wyatt."

I smiled "Hi Wyatt. I'm A-lya"

"Well A-lya we're kind of in an impossible situation." He told me.

"I understand." I told him "To get here, we developed interstellar flight, defeated space squids, traversed a carnivorous black hole, twice."

His face fell awkwardly "Uh, okay, not that impossible. Because of you, Zed can't get into Mountain College. The recruiter quit, and monsters can't apply."

I pulled out my Luma Lens "Hmm. Mountain College. Downloading."

It beeped as it searched for information about Mountain College "What are you doing?" Wyatt asked me.

I shrugged "Too bad he is not exceptional. The only way for him to get in is to prove that he's exceptional. Mountain College has a separate application for an exceptional-student scholarship and it does not specifically prohibit zombies or werewolves."

The werewolves smiled and nodded between them "Yeah. That sounds exactly like Zed."

I chuckled "Perhaps exceptional means something else in this galaxy."

Wyatt shook his head "Ah, okay, you know what? Believe me, he's impressive. Kay?"

I smiled cheekily "Meh. I do not see it."

Willa growled "Whatever. Zed's going to get that scholarship to Mountain College and knock down the door to higher education for all monsters."

"Yeah." The wolves cheered.

"Let's go tell Zed" Wynter said.

They took me to go meet Zed and I saw my friends and brother. I smiled and the wolves explained what I'd just told them.

"Why are you so agitated?" A-li asked confused studying Zed's face.

"Oh, we are not agitated." Wyatt assured us.

The zombie smiled "We are happy. You found a loophole. A way this zombie can get into college."

"Come on. All right." The group all cheered.

"Oh. Emotions are messy for telepaths, so we suppress them." A-li told the group.

"But they do seem interesting." A-spen said.

A-li smirked "We have many advancements to share with your primitive people. We even created a digestible bacterial fermentation of lactose at sub-zero stasis."

"Whoa. Froyo?" Wynter asked "Yeah, we got that too."

"Impressive." A-li commented

Willa glared at the 4 of us in front of her "If you're here to invade Seabrook, our pack won't go down without a fight." she warned.

A-lan watched her carefully and kept me behind him "We do not want your one-star planet."

"They are so emotional." A-li commented.

"Yes, but when in Seabrook, I'm going to disengage our emotional suppressors." A-spen told us before smiling "Personally, I'm excited to see what emotions feel like."

There was a beep signalling that the emotional suppressors were disengaged.

"Excited!" A-lya smiled and stammered "That's an emotion. It feels so exciting."

"We've decided to let you stay until after the cheer competition," a woman said to us "but not a day later." She added.

"Thank you, Mayor. We are honored
to join your cheer competition." A-spen said smiling.

"What is cheer?" I asked curiously.

Addsion, the girl with white hair smiled "Oh, don't worry. I'll show you later."

"Also, what is competition?" A-lan added questioningly.

"When you challenge others to prove you're the best." Zed explained.

"No, we are a harmonious people. We do not compete amongst ourselves..." I told him.

A-lan interrupted me "Although, that is an intriguing concept, is it not?"

Zed smiled at my brother "Hi, I'm Zed. Zombie, football star. Generally well-liked."

My brother nodded and introduced "Well, My sister is A-lya and I am A-lan. Extraterrestrials."

"Hey, the haters say I'm a little extra too." Zed said with a chuckle sticking his hand out.

"Oh, competition." A-lan said excitedly.

Zed shook his head quickly "No, it's just a handshake." Some electricity crackled and zapped Zed making him cry out in pain and pullback his hand "Okay."

A-lan smiled excitedly "Did I win?" Zed groaned in pain "No, you did not win."

I smiled anxiously as I giggled "Apologies. Our people have a special stardust spark"

"That some lesser species may find painful." A-lan added boastingly.

Wyatt smiled at me "Welcome to Seabrook." My heart skip a beat. I quickly looked at my Luma Lens to make sure I was okay but my vital signs seemed fine. I just assumed it was a rare anomaly.

Lies (Wyatt x Alien OC) Where stories live. Discover now