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Sabeeha's POV

Touching down at Muritala Airport, Lagos. I inhaled the air and it feels so good to be back home after 5years of being away to a faraway land. I dragged my luggages with me to where i spotted my grandmother's driver.

Salam alaikum baba, i greeted

Walaikum salam sister, he replied with a smile. So nice to see you back home after all these years

Yes baba, i replied. How's everything?

Alhamdulillah, he replied. He helped with some of my luggages and we walked to where he parked the car.

The drive home is so long and I'm jetlag. I decided to come to Lagos first to see my maternal grandparents before going to Abuja to see my parents, siblings and my paternal grandmother. We lost my paternal grandfather when i was still in secondary school. After minutes of driving, we finally got home. I walked to the front door, pressed the doorbell and Azeemah, my cousin opened the door.

Sabeeha! Azeemah!. We screamed each other's name in unison

Azeemah is 5years older than me and she's married. I wasn't around to attend her wedding and i made sure i way-billed her wedding gifts all the way from New York.

I had to stay when granny told me that you'll be touching down here in Lagos, Azeemah beamed

Aww, that's so thoughtful of you couzo, i replied. Where's my handsome and beautiful grandparents?

We're here, replied both grandpa and grandma in unison walking towards. I dropped my handbag on one of the chairs in the living room and quickly jumped on them.

My baby, said grandma

Mama na, said grandpa. He used to call me that coz i was named after his mother and my dad's mother. How have you been?

Alhamdulillah, i replied pecking both of them on their cheeks

You chose to stay abroad for 5years, my dear, said grandma. You didn't even come home after your graduation last year and now you're back. A year after your graduation

The last time i saw my parents, siblings and both my paternal and maternal grandparents was during my graduation ceremony at Uni back in New York last year. I chose to stay a year after my graduation coz i wanna have my own time before coming to Nigeria for my NYSC and going back to New York for my masters after a year mandatory service. I am 20years old and I studied Architecture.

Grandma, i thought we've talked about this already, i said with a whining voice

Yes, i know but i missed my granddaughter so much, she said pulling me into an embrace and i can smell her signature perfume on her.

Don't choke my mama, said grandpa with a hint of jealousy

My grandpa and grandma had three children: Uncle Jamal (Azeemah's dad), my mummy and Aunt Amina (their last born). The maids set the dining table whilst i was ordered to go shower and change into something comfy by my grandparents. I entered the room my grandparents gave me right from time to use whenever I'm staying/spending holidays at their place. I brought out my skincare products from one of my luggages and slid into the bathroom for a hot shower. After that, i put on my Mickey Mouse PJs, pack my lengthy hair in a bun and wear an undercap to cover my head. I hate opening my hairs both indoors and outdoors. I headed downstairs and met grandma, grandpa and Azeemah at the table. Uncle Jamal lives here in Lagos whilst Aunt Amina lives in Abuja.

I sat beside Azeemah and i was welcomed with varieties of home made meals. I filled my plate with Native Jollof rice, peppered chicken and coleslaw. After eating, I brought out the things i got for my grandparents and Azeemah.

I'll be paying Uncle Jamal a visit tomorrow, I announced

That's good, replied grandma. You can just go along with their gifts tomorrow, she added

It's already past 8pm, the doorbell rang and one of the maids went to get it.

That's my husband, Azeemah said with a smile and went to greet her husband. They hugged and kissed for a second before he walked to grandma and greet her.

Where's grandpa? He asked looking around

He already went to bed, granny replied.

Okay, he said

Babe, meet my cousin, Sabeeha... Sabeeha, meet my husband Farhan, Azeemah introduced

So nice to finally meet you, Sabeeha. He said with a genuine smile. I have heard alot of good things about you, he added

That's so great, it's my pleasure to meet you too, i replied with courtesy

Azeemah went to the living room upstairs to get her things and left with her husband. I was in bed after sorting out the things i am taking with me to Uncle Jamal's place tomorrow. I picked my iPhone 12pro max from the bedside table and dialed my mum's number knowing fully well that she and my daddy would be together. I informed them that i'd be staying in Lagos for a week and come to Abuja and then start my NYSC registration.

I woke up very early in the morning, prayed fajr, took my bath, got dressed, ate my breakfast and headed to Uncle Jamal's house. I had so much fun at his place coz there's never a dull moment with Azeemah's siblings. I gave them their gifts and headed back home with baba, the driver.

After a week

I just landed at Nnamdi Azikwe's airport, Abuja and i spotted my older brother Zayn waiting to pick me up. I ran into his arms and hugged him.

Welcome home, baby sister, he said releasing me from the hug and placing a kiss on my forehead

Thank you, bro, i replied

We're three siblings and I'm the only female child and the last born out of the three siblings. My oldest brother (Noor) is married and lives in UK with his wife (Halima) and a kid (Nabeel) and there is my handsome brother (Faisal) lives with my parents and he's the CEO of dad's company with Noor not having interest in the company. Noor is a software engineer and he has his own business growing and doing well in UK.

You've grown taller, Faisal, i said checking out my brother's height. Your beard is so Masha Allah, i added touching his beard

Thanks for the compliment baby, he replied with a wink. We walked to his Black Range Rover and headed home.

The drive home was full of me gisting my brother about everything that I couldn't tell him on phone. My family are my best friends and i can say that's why i do not have friends apart from my cousins; both maternal and paternal cousins that i have a good rapport with.

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