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Chapter 10

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The Winter Priestess

Kiora stands on the stone balcony, overlooking the sea of spectacular snow-peaked mountains. Made up of great and sheer grey stone, the mountains tower over the rest of the world. They are so high, in fact, that most of their summits sit above the clouds. The storms rarely reach this altitude. Though the valleys may be being battered by violent whiteouts, so thick and blinding that you couldn't even see your hand outstretched in front of you, there is a serene calm in the skies above.

A long, content sigh leaves her mouth as a soft, chilly breeze brushes past her. It tickles her skin and flutters her hair. She may travel across the world, bringing with her the winter storms, but the temple will always be her home.

"Sister," a quiet voice says behind her. Kiora turns.

"Yes?" she asks, facing another priestess named Alanis.

"The Sculptor would like to see you," Alanis says.

"Thank you for informing me. I shall go to her now," Kiora replies, bowing her head gracefully.

The two women walk back into the temple, their movements delicate and almost ethereal. They move in unison, their velvet cloaks trailing on the cold stone ground. As they pass other sisters, they bow their heads as a silent greeting. Some of her sisters sing. Low and gentle hums echo around the great stone halls. Beautiful female voices create haunting, ethereal harmonies as they sing of Winter. Hearing it calms Kiora and she can't help but smile widely.

Alanis joins the singing as they enter one of the main halls. Even after all these years, Kiora still looks upon the giant room with its great stone pillars and arched ceiling with awe. The songs sound louder here as her sister's voices echo off the smooth stone walls.

In the low light, their velvet cloaks glitter. The dresses sparkle even more. The Priestesses are a sea of pale blues, lilacs, silvers, and whites. Kiora reaches out as she passes one of her sisters. They clasp hands and smile at each other before going their separate ways. Kiora lets out a happy sigh, her smile bright and her body warm with love.

Kiora leaves the hall alone, Alanis staying to sing with her other sisters. The stone corridors are small and narrow. Ice runs along their rooves and trickles down the walls. Icicles hang down, glittering from the low blue flames that sit in the ice-covered candelabras. Soon, Kiora is walking into the large cavern where the Sculptor works.

Her eyes immediately fall on the figure in the centre of the room. The smile falls from her face and she gulps. A strange, heavy feeling consumes her body and a bitter taste fills her mouth. She frowns and walks closer. Standing on a bed of glowing white ice is a figure. Her body is translucent, the ice clear and pristine. There is a soft, silvery glow surrounding her.

She is beautiful. Her eyes are shut. It looks as though she is peacefully sleeping. Long hair falls down her back, hanging perfectly straight. Her facial features are soft, with a little button nose and high cheekbones. She is small, her figure slim.

Kiora's jaw clenches as she stares at her peaceful expression. That bitter taste fills her mouth once more and she frowns, confused as to why she feels so strange.

"What do you think?" a voice asks behind her. Kiora turns as the sculptor enters the room.

"She is beautiful," Kiora replies. "I look forward to meeting our new sister." Her voice cracks slightly and her smile is forced. If the sculptor notices her strange reaction, she doesn't show it.

"She is almost ready," the sculptor says, coming to a stop next to the priestess.

"That is exciting," she replies, her voice sounding a little too high-pitched. "How long have you been sculpting her?"

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