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Chapter 26

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The emperor gently puts his hand on the back of Kiora's neck. The ice that had started forming over her skin melts away immediately. Her rage dissipates with it, leaving her feeling strangely weak. Kiora takes a step away from him and brushes his hand aside. She watches the King and Larissa retreat to their carriage and holds back the stinging tears.

"Kiora," he says behind her. Reluctantly, she turns to face him. She gulps away her tears and holds her head up high.

"Yes?" she asks.

"It is time to go," he states.


"Home," he says and Kiora's chest pangs. It's not her home.

He holds out his arm and Kiora reluctantly takes it. They walk out into the sunlight. Kiora sighs as the familiar prickly feeling ripples across her skin.

"Have you ever seen a dragon, Kiora?" he asks, looking down at her with a warm smile.

"From afar," she replies. She gulps, wondering if he is about to make her ride one. As if knowing what she's thinking, the emperor laughs.

"No, you will not be riding a dragon," he says and Kiora lets out a breath of relief.

"If you ever have the privilege of riding a dragon," he continues, "it shall be one of your very own."

Kiora can't help but laugh. "I don't think a fire-breathing dragon is a right fit for me," she tells him.

"We'll see," he replies. Then, he stops and sighs. He looks at the ocean ahead and the green trees that line the cliffs of the large cove. A warm breeze flutters through the air, carrying with it the scent of salt and flowers at the same time.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he asks. Kiora doesn't reply. She supposes there is beauty in this place. It has a peaceful quiet to it and the ocean does sparkle rather spectacularly in the sun. But nothing will ever be as special as her mountains.

"You don't agree?" he asks, raising a brow.

Kiora bites at her lips and debates about speaking out. She isn't sure she wants to tell this man about her home. The memories of her mountains and temple feel like all she has left. Nor does she want to tell him her visions of a world of ice and snow, where Winter is constant.

That would be true beauty.

To share those deep and personal thoughts with the man keeping her from returning makes her bristle.

"We are from different worlds," she finally says. The emperor seems to accept that answer and they fall into silence. Kiora peaks up at the strange man that looms over her. His eyes are distant as he stares out at the ocean.

"Am I allowed to know your name?" she finally asks.

He smiles softly. "Athanasios Philo Nikias," he says.

Kiora raises her brows. "That's quite a name," she says.

He chuckles. "I am mostly called Emperor Nikias," he explains.

"And is that what I am to refer to you?" she asks, looking into his eyes. "Can I only ever call you Emperor, or your eminence, or your majesty."

"In public, yes," he tells her. "Just as you will be called Lady Kiora and will be referred to as her highness."

Kiora narrows her eyes and looks back at the ocean. "Why will I have that title?" she asks.

"Because I am taking you as my wife, Kiora," he says.

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