Chapter 23

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Wei Ying stands outside a grand study, his fists clenched, his face filled with determination. He takes a deep breath and pushes open the heavy wooden doors. Inside, Jiang Fengmian sits behind a massive desk, engrossed in paperwork. He looks up, surprise flickering across his face as Wei Ying enters the room.

Voice trembling with restrained anger. We wuxian spoke "Uncle Jiang, we need to talk."

Jiang FengmianPauses, setting his pen down he ask "Wei Ying? What's the matter? You seem upset."

"Upset? No, that's an understatement. I've discovered the truth, Uncle. The truth about my parents' death. The truth about what you've done!"

Jiang Fengmian's face pales, a mix of shock and guilt crossing his features. He rises slowly from his chair, his eyes avoiding Wei Ying's intense gaze.

"Wei Ying, I..."

Wei Ying interrupted "Don't even try to deny it! I've uncovered the evidence, and your involvement. How could you do this to me? To my parents?"

Jiang Fengmian, now visibly shaken, attempts to regain his composure.

"Wei Ying, I never wanted it to come to this. It's true that I was part of the incident that led to your parents' death, but you have to understand...

Voice filled with anger he spoke "Understand? How can I possibly understand the betrayal of my own family? I trusted you, Uncle Jiang. I looked up to you. But all this time, you've been lying to me, hiding the truth."

Jiang Fengmian takes a step closer, desperation in his eyes.

"Wei Ying, please listen. It wasn't as simple as it seemed. There were forces at play, dark forces that threatened the stability of our sect. Your parents were caught in the middle, and I had to make a choice. A terrible choice."

Wei Ying's Voice is shaking with anger and hurt "So, what? You sacrificed my parents to protect your precious sect? Is that the excuse you're giving me?"

Jiang Fengmian reaches out, attempting to touch Wei Ying's arm, but Wei Ying pulls away.

"No, Wei Ying, it wasn't like that. I did what I thought was necessary to save countless lives, to prevent chaos from consuming us all. But it haunted me every day, the pain of losing your parents and the guilt of my actions."

Wei Ying's Voice filled with pain "You are still lying to me, Uncle. You together with that Jin Guangshan rape my mother in front of my father. And the two of you was still not satisfied doing that, that you have to kill them. You chose to betray us, to betray me. I can never forgive you for that."

Silence hangs heavy in the room as both Wei Ying and Jiang Fengmian are lost in their own thoughts and emotions. Wei Ying's eyes glisten with unshed tears, his heart burdened by the weight of betrayal and loss.

Jiang Fengmian: [Whispering] Wei Ying, I... I am truly sorry. I know those words can never heal the wounds, but I hope one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Wei Ying's face hardens as he takes a step backward, his resolve firm.

"I don't know if forgiveness is possible, Uncle. But I will never forget what you've done."

With that, Wei Ying turns and leaves.

Yu Ziyuan, Jiang Yanli, and Jiang Cheng was outside listening about what is going on. But they where rendered speechless because of what they found out.

Jiang cheng spoke unbelieving of what he heard "a-niang what a-xian says us wrong right? It is not true right mother?"

Jiang yanli cried silently "my a-xian. My poor a-xian. Oh God"

While yu ziyuan is stock like a statue unable to process what happened.

The atmosphere is heavy as Wei Ying, tears streaming down his face, storms into the Cloud Recesses. Lan Zhan, his usually composed self, follows behind with a concerned expression. As he saw his beloved like this.

Wei ying reach the jingshi and enter lan zhan following behind.

Lan Zhan gently closes the door behind them and walks towards Wei Ying, who is sitting on the edge of his bed, shoulders trembling. Lan Zhan approaches slowly, giving Wei Ying space but still staying close enough to offer support.

Lan Zhan softly speak "Wei Ying, please, let me be here for you."

Wei Ying looks up, his eyes red and filled with pain. He sniffles and wipes away his tears, trying to regain some composure.

Wei Ying choked with his voice "Lan Zhan... I... I can't believe it. My uncle Fengmian... how could he betray us like that? And Jin Guangshan... the man who killed my parents... I never imagined..."

Lan Zhan sits down next to Wei Ying, placing a comforting hand on his back.

Lan Zhan sincerely speak
"Wei Ying, I understand that this revelation is overwhelming. Your feelings of betrayal and anger are valid. But remember, you are not defined by the actions of others. You are strong and resilient."

Lan zhan already know of what is happening thanks to a-die's silver butterfly. He was actually going to find Wei ying only to meet him at the gates of cloud recesses.

Wei Ying leans into Lan Zhan's touch, finding solace in his presence.

Wei Ying voice quiver "Lan Zhan, it's just... it's hard to accept that those I loved and trusted could be capable of such atrocities. I can't help but question everything now."

Lan Zhan's gaze is filled with compassion and unwavering support.

Lan Zhan speak steadily "I know it's difficult, Wei Ying. But remember, you are not alone in this. You have me, Baba, A-diē, your sister and even my family and together, we will find a way to navigate this darkness. You have the strength to rise above it and create your own path.

Wei Ying's eyes meet Lan Zhan's, finding a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil.

Wei Ying softly speak "Thank you, Lan Zhan. Your presence gives me strength. I don't know what I would do without you."

Lan Zhan's grip on Wei Ying's back tightens slightly, offering silent reassurance.

Lan Zhan whispered "You will never have to face anything alone, Wei Ying. I am here for you, always."

They sit together, Wei Ying leaning on Lan Zhan's shoulder, finding solace in each other's presence. In that moment, they draw strength from their bond, ready to face the challenges ahead.

Finally I get to update!

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Keep reading my bunnies

Wei Ying x Lan Zhan Time Travel (SLOW UPDATE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon