Chapter 24

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As the moon cast an eerie glow over the Jin clan forest, tensions reached their breaking point. The air crackled with energy as the two cultivators, Jiang Fengmian and Jin Guangshan, stood face to face with the formidable Supreme Ghost King Hua Cheng. Betrayal hung heavy in the air, fueling his anger to bring down the very person who hurt his son.

Jiang Fengmian and Jin Guangshan meet during nighttime to talk about the happenings lately. Specially now that Wei Ying knows of the true reason his parents died, but Hua Cheng was keeping an eye in this two.

With a malicious grin spreading across his faces, the two cultivators unleashed their combined powers, summoning a whirlwind of razor-sharp wind blades towards the Supreme Ghost King. The blades whistled through the air, aiming to shred his ethereal form to pieces.

But the Supreme Ghost King was no ordinary adversary. As the wind blades closed in, he summoned his ghostly powers, swirling them into a protective shield. The blades collided with the shield, causing a thunderous explosion of energy that sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield.

Unfazed by the attack, the Supreme Ghost King retaliated with a chilling vengeance. His eyes glowed red as he raised his hand, summoning E-ming that lashed out towards the traitorous cultivators. E-ming slithered through the air, aiming to slash and restrict their movements.

Swift and agile, Jiang Fengmian managed to evade E-ming, while Jin Guangshan found himself ensnared. The Jin Guangshan struggled against the ethereal restraints, but his efforts were in vain. The Supreme Ghost King's grip on him tightened, enough for him to faint.

Seeing his comrade in peril, Jiang fengmian summoned his inner strength, gathering energy in his palms. With a fierce battle cry, he unleashed a powerful burst of spiritual energy tiwards the Supreme Ghost King, hoping to distract him and free his imprisoned ally. But Hua cheng was not Defeated.

Hua Cheng smirk before suddenly Jiang fengmian also collapse.

"No one dare to hurt our son or hell will be really waiting for you! You dare to run from punishment... But I won't let you."

Hua Cheng tossed his dice and he was back in the paradise manor.

"Yin Yu, lock them in the dungeon."

Yin yu bowed "yes Hua chengzhu."

Wen Ruohan had called for another cultivation conference in nightless city.
They are going to talk about the deeds of the two sect leader.

Because of this Hua Cheng decided to bring the two sect leader out of his dungeons in the ghost realm.

The grand meeting hall is filled with cultivators from the Major and minor Clans, their expressions a mix of anticipation and solemnity.

At the center of the hall, Wei ying, flanked by his family, Xie Lian, Hua Cheng, Lan Zhan, and even his sister Ban yue, They stands before a large gathering of cultivators, including JIANG FENGMIAN and JIN GUANGSHAN, the perpetrators of the heinous crimes against Wei Ying's parents. Wei Ying's eyes burn with a mixture of pain, anger, and determination.

Wen Ruohan allowed the family to speak as this is after all about Wei ying's family.

Xie Lian steps forward, his aura commanding attention.

Xie Lian speak his voice firm yet measured "Esteemed cultivators, we demand that justice be served. Jiang Fengmian and Jin Guangshan stand accused of the unforgivable crimes of murder and rape. Wei Ying's parents were victims of their ruthless acts, and justice demands accountability."

The room falls into a heavy silence. But after awhile murmurs started.

Hua Cheng steps forward, his ghostly presence lending an air of undeniable authority.

His voice cold and penetrating "The punishment for such heinous crimes must be severe and serve as a deterrent to all who would consider similar acts. We shall ensure that they face a punishment that befits the magnitude of their atrocities. And We have a perfect proposal for their punishment"

The room falls into a heavy silence, all eyes fixed upon the family, awaiting the proposed punishment with bated breath. After a moment, Wei Ying speaks, his voice filled with determination.

Wei Ying resolutely speak "I propose that Jiang Fengmian and Jin Guangshan be stripped of their cultivation powers, their spiritual veins sealed for eternity. They shall be exiled to the desolate realm of eternal darkness the burial mounds, where they shall live out their days in isolation, forever burdened by the weight of their sins. And be rift apart by the resentful energy over and over again."

The room erupts in murmurs of shock and approval, the cultivators present exchange glances, the Jiang's expressions a mix of approval and somber acceptance. The weight of justice hangs in the air.

Wei Ying speak his voice filled with righteous anger "Let it be known that this punishment is not a mere act of vengeance, but a necessary act of justice to protect the innocent. May the cultivation world bear witness to their fall from grace and ensure that such acts are never repeated."

The cultivators, their expressions solemn, nod in agreement, recognizing the weight of the decision before them.

Jiang Fengmian and Jin Guangshan, their faces pale with fear and regret, bow their heads, accepting the magnitude of their crimes and the inevitable consequences.

Wei Ying nod of satisfaction. The path to justice has been paved, and the cultivation world bears witness to the consequences of unforgivable acts.

'Mama, baba rest peacefully now your murderer was already dealt with. Justice has been serve mama, baba.' Wei wuxiqn thought.

The cultivators present thought that the two sect leader will be thrown to the burial mounds, oh how wrong of them.

As the conference  was done Hua Cheng once again called Yin Yu.

Yin yu bowed "Hua chengzhu."

Hua speak smirking evilly "Bring them back to the dungeons I will personally torture them when I get back. Tell Qi Rong he has toy to play. But tell him to not kill them."

As Yin yu left Hua Cheng came towards his family.

Xie lian spoke softly to his son "A-ying what you've done is an act of righteousness. Your parents deserve their justice so don't think about ut anymore okay."

Ban Yue also hug his brother "didi you did good just now so stop being guilty."

Wei ying wants to retort back but was cut off by Hua Cheng "bunny it is for your parents so stop thinking about it okay." He paused and look at wangji beside them "wangji I want you to bring bunny to cloud recesses."

"Yes a-diē." Lan zhan replied

As Lan zhan and Wei ying left to cloud recesses Hua cheng and Xie lian heas to burial mounds to retrieve the spirit or any remains of Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze.

Bunnies here's another update...

I want to write some smut but I don't know how...

Can someone give some opinion....


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