The politician.

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The sun was setting over the city, as Aslanidis, chief of a police department walked out of it. It had been a long day, but the case that had been consuming his thoughts for the past few months, had finally been closed. The case involved a corrupt politician named Kechagias, who had been funneling money from the government into his own pockets. It was a high-profile case and Aslanidis had been determined to see justice served.

As he walked down the street, he couldn't help but feel a sense of achievement. The corrupt politician had been exposed and was now facing the consequences of his actions. It was a victory not just for the justice system but for the people of the country as well.

But the sound of his cellphone ringing, stopped his mind from thinking further. He pulled it out of his pocket and he saw that it was one of his old partners, that was his partner long before he got a promotion, detective Lalas. He answered the call and Lalas voice came through the line.

"Aslanidi, you're not going to believe this", Lalas said, with excitement in his voice. "They just called about a politician in a high position that was accepting bribes. We need to go there now."

Aslanidis sighed. He was exhausted and the thought of another long case was daunting. But he knew that justice needed to be served, no matter how tired he was. He told Lalas to meet him at his car and they drove off towards the scene.

When they arrived, they saw a large crowd of reporters gathered outside of a government building. As they approached, they saw the politician in question, with the name Parasidis that had an important position in the finance ministry, being led out in handcuffs by a group of agents.

The scene was chaotic, with people shouting and cameras flashing. But chief Aslanidis knew that he needed to stay focused. He approached one of the agents and asked for details.

"We did every research possible for Parasidis, for a lot of months and after a great deal of investigation that for it, we had to search where he was going, to whom he was talking to, with whom he was coming in contact with, his businesses that had nothing to do with his position as a politician, his finances, the properties under his name or in other names of those that were in his immediate circle, we gathered enough evidence to arrest him for accepting brides and for using his position in order to make more money and out of greed", the agent answered him.

Aslanidis nodded, impressed by the hard work that had gone into the investigation. He knew that this was a significant victory for the justice system, for the people of the city, for the people of the country.

As the agents led Parasidis away, Aslanidis couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The department that he was in charge of, had done their best in order to bring another corrupt politician to justice and he knew that, this was a great success for everyone. He knew that there would always be more cases to work on, but for now, he wanted to take a moment and celebrate this victory with all that worked on this specific case. 

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