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-Y/n POV-

It's night time and my girls been blowing up my phone while I been busy having...vanilla sex with Bill

Y-choke me bill

He looks at me confused but does it and it's not hard enough and I tell him harder and he applies pressure while slowing down but then moves his hand

B-I can't fuck ur pussy hard and choke u hard at the same time or I'll do one harder than the other


I been watching porn and bdsm ever since I tried to cum and couldn't and the things they did and all the kinks that's out there to be explored and I haven't did anything besides a little choking and to the kink world that's kinda vanilla to

He moves and stops completely putting his robe on and I put mines on

Y-babe cmon let's just-

B-u cheating on me?


B-u heard me u stupid bitch are u cheating on me?!

Y-n-no bill I would nev-



B-yea then why the sudden change huh?...u ignore me all day claiming u have a babysitter which is ridiculous

Y-it's true


...He thinks it's a girl or whatever he don't even believe me

Y-fine then...fuck u

I get up getting my things and he sighs apologizing coming over but I pushed him

Y-NO!...I just wanted to try something new because I missed u but no u wanna accuse me of cheating on u!!claiming I'm a liar!!...I'm tired of ur jealousy bill maybe we need a little time a apart

B-WHAT?!...why so u can be with him

Y-...goodbye bill-

B-no no no wait!...I'm sorry please  y/n I need u

Y-well when u calm down u know where to find me


I left calling a Uber and waiting outside in nothing but a fucking robe

Soon it come and I get in telling him to go to my home and gave him the little $500 I had in my wallet I brought in cash

?-omg ma'am god bless u

Y-yea yea get me home...ur welcome


I get home and see Jacob car here and I see the girls are still here as well if I see Dani car

I go inside and I hear the girls but see Jacob coming to see who it is


J-u ok?

Y-u were right ok?...is that what u wanted to hear

J-...I think we both know what I want to hear

Y-...I'm going upstairs have fun with the girls

J-excuse u?

I pass him and go upstairs to my room leaving the door open knowing he was gonna follow me

I get undressed and he walks in looking me no where but my eyes

Y-what?...what else do u want from me?!

J-u know what I want?

Y-what Jacob what do u want

He comes close to me still looking in my eyes and he grabs my face

J-I want u to straighten up that attitude...sign my fucking contract and let me give u what u crave...I wanna know what is on ur mind and what is bothering u as I eat what belongs to me

Y-then take me...u win ok take me

J-I need u to sign that contract first

Y-Jacob stop

J-sign it

I grab him pulling him to me trying to make him touch me but he acts as if he doesn't want to

I kiss on his neck and all he do is repeats himself

J-sign it y/n...get dressed and sign that contract and I'll fuck u...I'll give my sub what she desires the most

I cried in frustration not wanting to sign anything right now I just wanted him to take me

Y-Jacob please I'm begging I can't wait-


Y-ok!...I'll sign it

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