Filler Chapter

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Later that night...

"Camden come on. Come on!" Cameron yelled to his brother as he raced out of the home. He stopped and turned around to see Camden just standing in the doorway. "CAMDEN COME ON!" He repeated as Camden took a step back and closed the door. Seconds later the sound of a gunshot went off.

Shiloh shook that memory away and lay back on the bed.

Shiloh shook that memory away and lay back on the bed

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As always Antoinette was on his mind.

Camden had been holding him captive since they were 18 years old and had took on Shiloh's life. Shiloh didn't seem the same to Antoinette, Macy, King or anyone else who'd known him because it wasn't him. Shiloh's real name before the Mackeys had changed it was Cameron Bates. He wanted a fresh start with his new family and wanted to feel part of the family and had asked Macy and her husband to change his name once they'd officially adopted him.

As a child when Shiloh had been freed by his father, Camden had also been freed but instead of following Shiloh he'd closed himself back inside the house. When he'd heard the gunshot he thought that their father had killed Camden. He walked for hours and was in a great deal of shock thinking his brother was dead. As a young child he didn't know how to cope and he shut down. No one knew where he'd come from or who they should be arresting or questioning about this abandoned filthy little boy because Shiloh wouldn't speak. The only information he'd provided on paper was his name, birthday, and his age. He'd gone mute and remained that way for a year.

Camden was his brother and the only family he had. Losing their mother and him was too much for him to handle mentally and emotionally. Therefore for years he locked a lot of traumatic things away in his mind. The one thing he didn't forget though was having a brother. It came as a shock when Camden had found Shiloh on Facebook.

Before changing his name Shiloh had had an old Facebook account from when he was 14 listed under his real name. He'd forgotten the password to it and hadn't used it for two years but the day he'd finally gotten back into the account was just days after Camden had inboxed him. If you would've told him his life would be like this he would've never responded.

As Shiloh lay on the bed his best friend crossed his mind.

Antoinette had been on his mind for years and he missed her

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Antoinette had been on his mind for years and he missed her. He wondered where she was in life today. He wished she was here to help him through this like she'd always been there for him. He could remember that day they'd shared their first kiss when she'd tried talking him into going to church because he'd been so difficult. He could remember being there for her when he'd taken her to a pool party and she'd stayed hidden in the house.

The thought of what could've been constantly played over and over in his mind. He should've asked her to be his girlfriend when he'd had the chance. They'd probably be married today. Shiloh didn't know Camden had married Antoinette. In all the time he'd been held captive Camden had never mentioned anything about it. After they'd reconnected as teenagers they'd started secretly hanging out and bonding. Shiloh shared a lot about his life with Camden. He told him what his entire family was like, what Antoinette was like, showed Camden pictures, etc. He never expected Camden to start mirroring him.

The trauma from Camden and Shiloh's childhoods was so severe that it affected Camden a little differently than Shiloh. Shiloh had blocked everything out from his past and wanted to focus on having a good life and being a good person. Camden on the other hand suffered from dissociative identity disorder and narcissistic personality disorder. Those disorders caused a mirroring personality that made him kidnap Shiloh the day after their 18th birthday. He took Shiloh's place in the Mackey residence for months before he up and left.

Mirroring was when you copied another person's characteristics, behaviors, and traits. Camden suffered from a more extreme manifestation of this behavior and it made him begin to believe he was Shiloh. Over the years he'd called himself Shiloh's name, claimed to be Shiloh, borrow elements of his life such as relationships, past experiences, and career and family history and claimed them as his own.

Camden had gotten Antoinette pregnant and married her, moved her away from her family, and the mask he'd worn all these years was starting to fall. He'd been dangerous since he was a child. He'd shot and killed their biological father and had killed the people who'd taken him in when he was 16. Unlike Shiloh, Camden hadn't been adopted. A couple who couldn't have children had found him and moved him into their home. They were good to Camden but he was his father's kid and something in him craved a fresh kill. It had been years since he felt the warmth of someone's blood on his hands.

Shiloh may have helped his father bury the bodies to prevent him from harming their mother but Camden had been the one by their father's side helping him stab the victims.

• •

There's more to this story but you'll get the rest later down the line. See ya. 🤣✌🏾

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