[1] - Scara hates scholars

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" Why is it so hot today. " Wanderer fanned his face in contempt.

He has done multiple researches under the scorching desert sun in the past, so he was used to the place, and the weather never really bothered him, but today was hotter than usual. The heat was briskly seeping through his unique body structure. He was overheating, and his hat was doing nothing to help.

Cyno took a quick glance at Wanderer and studied his grim appearance. The anemo-bearer was lagging behind him, so the matra slowed down to match his pace. "You should take your shirt off. It will help with the heat."

"And look like you? Ha, no thanks." Wanderer quipped as he continued to fan his face. He was aware he was being mean to this matra guy, but the heat was really annoying him. (He can't really take his anger out on the sun, can he? It was anger displacement at its finest.)

He's, currently, what? Hangry...? Hot and angry? ...What. He internally cringed at the terms his mind came up with and shoo'd his thoughts away. Despite his verbal refusal to Cyno's advice, he still followed it by taking the white fabric of his cloth off and tying it on his hips. It helped alleviate the heat, though not by much.

" ...do you have a personal vendetta against me by any chance? " Cyno squinted his eyes at him, "because you've been nothing but unsavory to me the very moment we've met."

"It's because you're beneath me." Scara waved his finger like he's proving an obvious point.

Cyno crossed his arms, a certain glint in his eye. " ? I'd say we're about the same height."

" ? " Wanderer looked at him. His mouth opened and closed like a fish, unable to form a response. The air was silent for a few seconds before it was filled with the sounds of snickering.

"Get it? Because you said I was beneath you, but it can also mean that you're saying I'm shorter than you. Which is why I said we're about the same height...I apologize. I understood what you meant." Cyno deadpanned. "It was a joke. The look on your face was just too amusing."

" Oh, so I'm a joke to you now. " Wanderer fumed (he silently cringed at the matra's joke), but the original fire in it was gone. He crossed his arms as he half-heartedly glared at the matra; soon followed by a small smirk.

The next few hours of their travel was spent exchanging witty remarks with each other.


" And what exactly are you doing here? '' Wanderer raised his eyebrow suspiciously. He wasn't expecting to see another scholar in the ruins, one of his classmates at that too. They were far out in the desert, and the chances of meeting anyone in this place was low, so this couldn't have been an accident.

The scholar let out a high-pitched scream. They looked similar to a scared cat with their fur up, and the wanderer almost found it amusing. Almost.

The scholar, embarrassed, furrowed his eyebrows and puffed out his chest. He stuffed his hand in his pocket. "T-This is my assignment location." he waved his free hand as if he's shoo-ing them, "so do leave the premises."

Wanderer raised his eyebrow higher. What?

" Your assignment location? "

"Yes, so you must leave immediately. I won't be able to focus with you two around."

Cyno crossed his arms. He stood silently by the side, letting the wanderer initiate the ... conversation.

" Really? Weren't you always assigned to sort thesis papers inside the Akademiya? " Wanderer silently snickered at the scholar's reddening face. "Hm, maybe I just remembered it wrong."

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