[2] - scara hates spelling

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Now that I'm rereading the story as I repost it I noticed how the author's wording is improving... You can see it especially in the newest chapter they released after disappearing out of nowhere for like.... 2 months. Well I guess that's a given. They probably had their secret Saitama training session in those 2 months lol. 

 I should do a saitama secret training session for my grades.... T_T

original author's notes: underlined words are intentionally mispelled :)

_____  start

Wanderer grumbled under his breath as he wrote his paper. Writing with a quill and a bottle of ink was no problem to him since they have a similar thing back in Inazuma, but spelling out words was proving to be a issue.

He muttered a curse as he hit another roadblock– asking Nahida for help was another problem too. He doesn't really have anything in-hand that he can give to her in return for helping him, so he decided to settle on trying his best to spell out the words himself.


" What? " Wanderer tried to hide the surprise in his face as he realized Nahida was peering over his shoulder, reading his paper. He was about to push her off his back but her kind and curious eyes stared back at him, so he just huffed and returned his attention to his paper.

The archon pointed at a word in the second paragraph of his paper. "That. It's spelled as necessary, not nesesarry."

"Well it sounds like nesesarry, what do you want me to do." He complained as he crossed out the word and wrote a small correction on top of it so he can rewrite it properly later.

Nahida eyed the stack of crumpled papers on his side. Wanderer curiously glanced at her from the corner of his eyes as she inched towards the pile and opened one of the discarded papers.

"You better not be making fun of me in your head, Buer."

"Of course not." Nahida smiled. She leaned on the anemo-bearer's side as she continued to read his crumpled papers. Wanderer protested that she was preventing him from writing properly by leaning on him, but made no moves to push her off.

The air was filled with comforting silence as the duo carried out their prospective tasks.

The archon hummed as she read more of his papers. A couple of sentences were crossed out, while some words were misspelled and overlooked. Overall, the Inazuman's sentence formulation was commendable and it was easy to follow. It was like he intended for his work to be understandable to anyone of any age: children and elderly alike. Once he learns how to spell, he'd arguably be better at writing than most akademiyan scholars.

"I can help you with your paper." Nahida offered.

Wanderer was silent for a moment. "...I thought the Akademiya was all about student integrity? Wouldn't helping me be basically cheating?"

"You can think of me as a firefly leading you to the exit of a dim maze." Nahida started and Wanderer bit down an exhale. "Once you're out of the complicated maze, my purpose will cease, and from then on you must produce your own light to survive the dark nights."

"So... a tutor."


Dissecting Nahida's analogies was slowly becoming second-nature to the Wanderer, but he can't help but roll his eyes or wince at some of them. Today was no exception.

Don't get him wrong. Nahida's advice helped him a lot, especially when he first became her right-hand-man, but does she really always have to say it analogously?

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